What it says on the tin really.
Is it still worth getting multiple core sets?
Three core sets is a sound base for building any deck you want. There are many staples that won't be replaced for some considerable time. I definitely think it's worth it.
Would you say two or three are necessary?
Until we know what the deluxe expansions have in them, I'd say yes. There are plenty of great cards in the core set that you will want the full three copies of, so 2 core sets would be a minimum to at least have 3 copies of all the neutral cards. I'm holding off on the 3rd core until I see how the deluxe expansions are handled. If they are a collections of all the clans, then I'll likely pick up my 3rd core. If they introduce a new clan or faction (with 3 copies of each card the same way they did with Conquest) and I like that faction, I might continue to hold off on the 3rd core.
With 3 core sets, you can build 2 decks, provided you use 4 different clans as main and splash, because they give you 1 playeset of each clan-specific card and at least 2 playsets of each neutral card.
I play FFG's other LCGs and the CORE boxes always stay relevant, look at ANY deck built and more so competitive decks and you will STILL see core box cards being used even after countless expansions. Also multiple cores lets you build multiple decks so on game nights you can cycle through decks and not get burned out just playing one clan OR you can bring multiple decks to teach people how to play.
If you have people to play with, absolutely. If you need to convince them first, ehhhhhhhh, don't commit unless you're going to have people to play with.
Edited by TebboI'm wondering if it's worth it to have 6 core sets...I currently have more than 3.
Perhaps more than any other game of FFG I have seen or play. Three is necessary to be competitive.
53 minutes ago, Hordeoverseer said:I'm wondering if it's worth it to have 6 core sets...I currently have more than 3.
Think my buddy is up to 7. But thats because he loves deck brewing and hates taking apart decks for certain cards. He is REALLY into card playing so he will play as many matches as possible back to back in the span of 6-8 hours on game days when we meet every saturday.
26 minutes ago, Hordeoverseer said:I'm wondering if it's worth it to have 6 core sets...I currently have more than 3.
*heavy sigh*
I also have 6 cores.
I will not be getting 2 of each expansion as they come out, but I wanted to be able to play against any deck up to and including mirror matches. Which I've done. My local cohorts should all have 3 cores by now, so moving forward we can build any matchup. As the pool expands (by 56.3%) I should be able to build more specialized decks with less need to pull resources from outside faction. Maybe.
In that case, my 5 cores look rather minor. I should probably get that 6th to fill that second playset gap...
Nothing in the expansions quite jump at me to get 2x of them however. Nothing until Censure, at least.
Edited by HordeoverseerIf you wish to play competitively 3 core sets are pretty much essential. If you are only playing casually 2 core sets are required to build legal decks.
With 3 cores, you can build 2 rather competitive decks.
You should be even able to build 4 focused ( like very Pol, very Mil, very shugenja) decks for casual fun play. And best of all, you are less dependent of putting fillers (neutral) to reach the 40 cards per decks count.
Playing casually with only one friend and no hopes of a competitive scene in our city (Hiroshima) we both got two cores and are playing two core 30/30 decks at the moment. I like the way it forces us to really prune unnecessary elements from our decks, but we still have enough in clan cards that we don't have to rely in neutral personalities so much.
We originally talked about trading with each other for playsets of our favorite clans, but with splashing I find myself wanting a playset of all clans if we go to 40/40.