Legends of the New Republic v1.4 (Custom Cards)

By Jadotch, in X-Wing

On 11/14/2017 at 12:45 PM, Jadotch said:


I was think about it, Yakown Reth's pilot ability would be a great ability for a TIE Interceptor buff that people keep whining for.

I love this artwork though.

On 11/9/2017 at 5:21 PM, Jadotch said:


I'm actually banned on the artist of that HWK-290 model's DeviantArt page. Me and a friend asked what in the world was up with the proportions.

He made the mistake of claiming the developer of one of the Dark Forces games sent this model over, "So it was accurate."

He told that to people who have direct access to said models and have seen an HWK-290 before.

We pointed out all the flaws with it after he was fairly disingenuous about this straight up lie, and were promptly banned. We still laugh about it. Guy's a real blowhard.

6 hours ago, AwesomeJedi said:

I was think about it, Yakown Reth's pilot ability would be a great ability for a TIE Interceptor buff that people keep whining for.

I love this artwork though.

It is my favorite "E-Wing" model to date, it gives it that small fighter feel, putting it more as a successor to the A-Wing than the X.

It is very specifically worded. Kinda like an attack dice C3P0. I am not too familiar with imperial upgrades, but it CAN be very dangerous. Astroid, no problem, bomblet, you get a one dice will be a miss, etc ...

5 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

I'm actually banned on the artist of that HWK-290 model's DeviantArt page. Me and a friend asked what in the world was up with the proportions.

He made the mistake of claiming the developer of one of the Dark Forces games sent this model over, "So it was accurate."

He told that to people who have direct access to said models and have seen an HWK-290 before.

We pointed out all the flaws with it after he was fairly disingenuous about this straight up lie, and were promptly banned. We still laugh about it. Guy's a real blowhard.

Yeah, I am usually grabbing two images off the 'net and Photoshopping them. I am fairly good at matching the lighting and tweaking the color and placing them for correct framing, but I can't take credit for the art as original, more like a collage.

I think I am going to replace Captain Saz with this guy. It has that "Rebel Propaganda" feel. And an Artist on this board did the model.


Edited by Jadotch
6 hours ago, AwesomeJedi said:

I was think about it, Yakown Reth's pilot ability would be a great ability for a TIE Interceptor buff that people keep whining for.

I love this artwork though.

Here is the original image I cut it from.
