2 hours ago, AtoMaki said:Again, I don't have a problem with the concept. I have a problem with the concept not translating into the list of skills. And that's bad, because we are missing out on essential stuff because of it like Horsemanship, Stealth, or Investigation, while Design, Sentiment, and Seafaring are getting their own special treatment for reasons unknown.
Why are Horsemanship, Stealth and Investigation essential skills?
Horsemanship is just a specialized way of handling an animal. The only reason that a game would have such a skill is to make being able to ride a horse more expensive.
Investigation and Stealth are less skills and more a way of applying skills.
These 3 would actually work far better as Distinctions (with ways of buying them) than actual skills.
18 minutes ago, Mirumoto Saito said:Only if Tactics is the main skill for finding my keys in a messy room or looking for someone in a crowd, in an efficient manner.
Tactics would apply if you are searching in an organized manner rather than just randomly looking in places, search based on memory.
18 minutes ago, Mirumoto Saito said:They are the same skill, they work the same way, you use the exact same techniques.
Using the same techniques doesn't mean you are using the same skill. Searching for you keys and searching for a person are far different.
Edited by Ultimatecalibur