Note Taking

By yujufrazer, in L5R LCG: Rules Discussion

Taking Notes and Outside Material Players cannot take notes or reference outside material or information during a tournament round. However, players may reference official rule documents at any time or ask a judge for clarification from official rule documents. Official rule documents include all rules documents and inserts available on the Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game page of our website, those found in a Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game product, or any portion thereof.

Would keeping track of honor by paper be considered note taking?

Edited by yujufrazer

Honor needs to be tracked by either the tokens or a manual dial at FFG tournaments.

I would think taking notes on your honor would be considered taking notes.

By standard FFG logic, yes. I'm not certain why they're so against note taking, but they are.

On 11/8/2017 at 10:15 PM, Mirumoto Shiroiken said:

By standard FFG logic, yes. I'm not certain why they're so against note taking, but they are.

Maybe to reduce lag, the game would crawl to a halt if i insisted on noting every single action, card og token transaction that happened in the game.

Annoying that they won't let us use spin downs or just write down the totals. Hate having to dump tons of tokens all over the place when it's not at all necessary. I sorta get their reasoning for not allowing spindowns, since I guess someone could cheat or something by nudging the dial. But a written record is even harder to tamper with than tokens, so this rule make no sense to me whatsoever...

They are anti-scouting/etc. They have always been like this.