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All normal rules of play apply unless otherwise indicated.
Games are intended to have four players but could potentially have 3-5.
Decks may contain up to 50 cards. Conflict decks may include up to 12 characters.
Players randomly determine the first player by means of a die roll or other random selection.
All actions opportunities proceed clockwise.
Phase 2 (Draw) - After setting Honor dials, players compare their Honor dial to the player to their left. Only give honor to the player to your left (you wil receive honor from the player to your right). These Honor transfers are done clockwise, starting with whoever has the First Player token; this may cause someone to win by Honor (in which case the game ends) or lose by Dishonor (in which case that the next player in line cannot receive honor that round). For example, Adam, Betsy, Charlie, and Dana are around a table in that order. Adam bids 1, Betsy bids 4, and Charlie bids 5. Betsy will give Adam 1 Honor and take 1 Honor from Charlie.
Phase 3 (Conflicts) - As long as there are three or more players, players may only declare one Conflict as the attacker each turn, and may only declare a Conflict against the player to their immediate left or right. This may be a Military or Political Conflict and must utilize one of the remaining rings. When a Conflict is declared, the attacker may invite one other player as an ally, offering the potential ally one Honor or Fate (attacking player's choice); if accepted the attacker must give the ally the offered Honor or Fate and the ally must declare exactly one eligible character as an attacker; if the offer is rejected the attacker may invite another potential ally who may accept or reject. The Province is then revealed and Reactions applied (provinces such as Night Raid will affect the attacker and any allies). The defending player has the first opportunity to declare defenders, then may invite allies just as the attacker did and defending allies must declare exactly one eligible character as an additional defender. Only the attacker, defender, and allies may play cards in a conflict. Conflicts resolve normally. While there are 4 or more players remaining, Ring effects that target 1 player or card may target 2 players (Air, Earth) or 2 cards that belong to separate players (Fire, Water, Void) but may still only be resolved for a single effect (i.e. Fire may be used to Dishonor two players' characters but not to Honor your character and dishonor someone else's), and Air may be used to gain 3 Honor.
Phase 5 - The first player token passes to the left.
Any player who reaches 0 Honor or has their Stronghold Province broken is eliminated from the game and all of their cards, including those attached to other players' cards, are removed from the game. Any player who reaches 25 Honor immediately wins the game, otherwise the last remaining player wins.
Edited by suburbaknght