Another Harsh Criticism

By Shu2jack, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

With more and more cards being released I have come to the conclusion that I want to play every clan and I cant.

**** you FFG for making every clan cool! Now release smaller packs of neutrals and clan cards!

How about you guys? Are you a 1-clan man, or do you get around? I'm trying to avoid having to switch out cards, but I'm going to try for a Crab dishonor deck, a Phoenix honor deck, and a Lion province break deck.

Currently, I'm struggling with my clan loyalty. I've been a loyal Dragon forever, but the current dragon playstyle is not my thing. It seems the Phoenix plays more like the monks of old with all the ring manipulation i enjoyed in old Dragon. So, I've been playing a lot of Phoenix lately.

I'm also enjoying Crab a whole lot with all of their sacrifice and leave play effects.

Main deck and Clan (after I abandoned Dragon - for the same reason SideshowLucifer did) is now Phoenix. Tried out Lion as a secondary deck to get some variety in my casual plays, but I wasn't too happy with it. I just replaced it with Crab, but I haven't tried it yet.

Unfortunately I am like you. Eventually, I want decks for all seven Clans and I am already considering to buy three more core sets to do so. Probably next year though.

I mostly play Crab, Crab for competitive events. I play Lion for a change of pace, may dabble with others for fun.

Devoted Unicorn main, but I've been known to hang out with the Crane or Phoenix from time to time. I'd love to have more than 1 or 2 decks, but to get three more Cores to fully support them.... No thank you. So yeah, I'm with you, Shu2jack .

27 minutes ago, SideshowLucifer said:

Currently, I'm struggling with my clan loyalty. I've been a loyal Dragon forever, but the current dragon playstyle is not my thing. It seems the Phoenix plays more like the monks of old with all the ring manipulation i enjoyed in old Dragon. So, I've been playing a lot of Phoenix lately.

I'm also enjoying Crab a whole lot with all of their sacrifice and leave play effects.

Same boat but with Crane. Currently I can't play the kind of Crane I used to. So I have been using Lion. Really hoping this changes once the Imperial cycle is over though I like Lion and don't mind using them. Just would rather rep Crane.

Like I said before, Crane and Phoenix are my clans, I have seen nothing that will change that although I do allow myself the guilty pleasure of playing Lion sometimes :lol:

Fake news. Clickbait title!

I like them all, I really do. I can't seem to pull myself away from Scorpion though. I feel like I cheated on my significant other every time I use one of my other clan decks.

FFG marks gonna be FFG marks

I’ve always been Phoenix, but I started the LCG with Lion to get the hang of it (I find that they’re very easy to pilot for new players), then changed to Crab and finally to Phoenix. But I liked Crab, so I keep going back and forth between those two decks. Although I have 3 cores, haven’t tried any other clans than those three.

Dragon is a bit tough now, but more protection cards are coming out to keep your Voltron from being dismantled with a single card.

That being said, I'm curious how Monks are going to go. Manipulating Fate on Rings is interesting.

I'm working on a deck for each clan, and the main thing is running out of neutrals. In the next few weeks, I expect I'll have enough cards to make a complete deck for every clan without having to swap out cards, even if those decks aren't necessarily competitive.

I definitely get around when it comes to playing, but in story, it's Crab that I care about. When I got into L5R I was deployed to Afghanistan, so they definitely resonated with me. I was Scorpion with my Imperial Herald subscription for about a year, but switched to Crab and stuck with them for over 12 years.

Knowing the past storyline has encouraged me to want to play through favorite characters like Toturi, Hitomi, Shahai, etc. But at the end of the day I will always seek blessings from the Isawa.

Edited by Tokhuah

I am, and shall always be, Dragon. However, I want to build two "good" (not tournament caliber) decks with my remaining cards. Neutrals have been the big sticking factor, with only 6 of each to be shared among the three. My interests lean to Lion, Scorpion, and Phoenix, but Crane and/or Crab would work as well . I have pretty much no desire to play Unicorn.

Unicorn despite FFG. Want a secondary deck and was thinking Phoenix because of oldL5R and how once I had to make the choice between to main Unicorn or to main Phoenix. But I'd like a Crane deck too, and love the Voltron Dragon Clan.

Mainly I am Dragon Clan but would want to have decks for every Clan.

Like many others the main problem is having enough of the neutral cards.

I just might get some more Core Sets or buy more cards off of Ebay.

18 hours ago, Wintersong said:

Unicorn despite FFG. Want a secondary deck and was thinking Phoenix because of oldL5R and how once I had to make the choice between to main Unicorn or to main Phoenix. But I'd like a Crane deck too, and love the Voltron Dragon Clan.

I fell in love with the potential Unicorn movement mechanics despite how disappointing it currently is. The stronghold not being able to move home is pretty stupid.

My secondary is Phoenix.

So far I've played very little. I tried Lion, and then moved to Crane, which was always my second love (or third, maybe Naga was second; or fourth, maybe Ratling was third), but I am sure I will end up back as Scorpion soon enough, especially since new Crane isn't all about murdering people with duels ... and why else play Crane I ask you!

<-------------------- Please see mon attached here

Played Scorpion since Lotus edition in Old5R and Fell in love with this stronghold:


I like the game itself and all it's play styles, And even if my wife curses and hates me when I pull a scorpion deck, it's still going to be my favorite clan.

I know the feels...
I have, and will always, be a loyal Scorpion, but I'm also a Dragon (despite not being excited about their stuff at the moment)... but Phoenix also looks like a really fun time, and I wouldn't mind having a Lion deck just to have something different....
But I'm not about to buy 3 more cores. :lol:

I started with the intent of being main Phoenix, and they haven't let me down yet. I've been tempted to switch to Crab and Unicorn as well. I probably would be Unicorn already, but I think their movement stuff is probably too hard for me to play well. Maybe when I'm better at the game!

Then again, I also want to put together a specific dragon deck, so clearly I want to play things out of clan. It's unlikely I'll ever achieve Hatamoto, so I'll probably just play whatever new deck catches my fancy.

Just hanging out with the Lions until my dark lord Fu Leng is ready to strike again.

At least while waiting it allowed me to learn more about honor and imperial favors, which I totally ignored from the short times I played old L5R under lord Junzo and Iuchiban hehe

..speaking of, my brother Goblin has successfully sneaked in already.