Looking over the rules for the effects of different stances the effect you get from Earth Stance seems far better than any of the others. Water lets you take a free move or fiddle with gear and drop two Strife. Fire is a crapshoot--if you get a lot of Sakuras, you get to use them for bonus successes. Air adds +1 to your TN. Void lets you ignore Sakuras. All of these feel pretty balanced against each other if not tremendously evocative of their flavor text (which is great and I wish was reflected more in the mechanics to be honest).
Then there's Earth Stance. It makes you immune to exploding dice used to strike critical hits against you or triggered special abilities that inflict conditions or persistent effects. Wow.
I can't see a reason why any fighter, whether PC or NPC wouldn't use Earth Stance all the time. Am I reading this wrong? It seems like they protect you from just about everything you really want not to happen to you as a character. I wonder if it doesn't remove some of the danger and fun from the game that you can basically adopt a stance that gets rid of criticals and ongoing effects. Still I can't imagine wanting to use any other stance.
What do you folks think?
Edited by Agasha_Kazusinge