One of my first official tournament battles.
My list:
Captain Nym (Scum) (30)
Deadeye (1)
Autoblaster Turret (2)
Homing Missiles (5)
Bomblet Generator (3)
Havoc (0)
Guidance Chips (0)
Accuracy Corrector (3)
N'Dru Suhlak (17)
Adaptability (0) +1
Cruise Missiles (3)
Inertial Dampeners (1)
Guidance Chips (0)
Serissu (20)
Elusiveness (2)
"Heavy Scyk" Interceptor (Missile) (2)
Stealth Device (3)
Proton Rockets (3)
My opponent:
Omicron Group Pilot (21)
Accuracy Corrector (3)
Darth Vader (3)
Gunner (5)
"Quickdraw" (29)
Rage (1)
Electronic Baffle (1)
Primed Thrusters (1)
Delta Squadron Pilot (30)
TIE/D (0)
Tractor Beam (1)
We place asteroids and set up our ships. I place Nym and Serissu together and N'Dru away on the other side hoping he would split up his ships. It didn't work.
Num and Serissu fly up in the second round. Nym is blocked by the Tie D by the tips of the base. Quickdraw rages and eats a stress to lose a shield to attack Serissu. The dice are not kind and Serissu is down to a hull. He fires again and Serissu survives. Serissu does some damage to the shuttle. Nym autoblasts the shuttle. The shuttle attacks using the corrector to cancel all dice but he doesn't add the two minors. He Darth Vaders Nym and then gunners him to deal a lot of damage and then Darth Vaders again. Nym loses his actions.
Next turn, Nym and the shuttle line up and Serissu moves out of way of the shuttle only to be caught by Quickdraw' s extra firing arc. Serissu dies on the second attack. Nym fires at the shuttle, he fires back and Darth Vader kills us both.
N'Dru finally comes around and does a forward 4 at the defender. Cruise missiles away. Tie defender down to two hull. (Later looked, I forgot the guidance chips and the next damage card that would have been face up was a Direct Hit! )
After some more turns, the tie defender traps N'Dru in a tractor beam and damages him down to one hull with tie/D.
Quickdraw almost dies but N'Dru is killed.
Any suggestions how to defeat this fleet he calls "the microwave" would be helpful. I hope you enjoyed this battle report.