I am planning a new Star Wars Campaign and I have decided to try a new formula for shaping the game. The players are relatively new to me but we have played for a few months now so I have gotten to know them and their problems as I see them for being able to play to the theme and tone of the setting. I wanted to post my plans as a contrast so many may see this as a do not do list lol, but maybe some will find it interesting and we can discuss the points. Here is my plan:
- Players will choose from general archetype slots to make their characters with no more than 2 of each: Soldier, Survivalist, Underworld, Social/Healer, Force Sensitive. There can be hybrids.
- No Droid PCs
- One Non-Human Alien, No more than 2 Near-Human Aliens
- Opposite Sex character to Player are limited to one unless a convincing argument can be presented in Session 0 as to why the character works better as non-player sex. No limitations on orientation.
- All Technology, Social Systems, Customs, and Equipment are not assumed to function as real-world or germane to likely usage. Players need to either not specify how something occurs, or ask as to how it works in that instance.
- Terminals are the way to contact persons and organizations. Comlinks are for buddies.
- The HoloNet is NOT the Internet. Slicing is more often done at the source. TeleSlicing is dangerous as all get out and will probably get you hunted.
- Story-Based XP: XP given at rate defined by each character's arc and role. XP will be given for advancement goals the players define for their concept.
- Narrative initiative will be used so points in Vigilance and Cool won't be used as much as in Standard Initiative.
- Character backstory needs to either be concise, or if elaborate must not create a character that does not actually fit in the game that will be played (don't make the Guildmaster Protege of the Bounty Hunters because you will resent being put in other types of stories).
- Real World cussing is largely out the window. Also Graphic sex, torture, alien cross-species sexual notions, etc. PG
- If you read it in the EU it probably didn't happen. Don't count on Wookieepedia lore being correct. It may very well be the way it is on the site, but it may not.
- Science Fantasy not Science Fiction. The point is that the setting is a place where technology creates a world we don't know, but Technology isn't the main character. Deep themes about tech are also not explored such as AI, Transhumanism, etc.
- Character Death is usually fatal. If your character actually dies, they are dead.