For the Phoenix:
More nuts and bolts Shiba bushi who benefit from shugenja in some direct or indirect fashion- a sort of mirror to the Shiba Yojimbo who benefits shugenja by being on the board. Not spuds, but guys you can build a conflict style around.
More spud shugenja who aren't that great by themselves, but who can caddy spells and buff the aforementioned Shiba- or to make a shugenja swarm deck.
More Elemental Masters (I reckon we'll get these fairly quickly)
I REALLY like where spells are right now, not wedded to being attachments- so keep that up, FFG!
A couple of ways to Honor our guys whose glory factors into their cost- Benten's Touch is already on deck to do that, but being able to count on honoring one or two guys a turn would be nice.
LOVING the Courtier and Monk love the Phoenix have gotten so far- some flubs written into the old lore aside, Phoenix are supposed to be better at court than they are at war (The old three way metric of Magic/War/Court would have gone 3/1/2 for them in theory- in practice, it was more like 3/1/1), and it's nice to see monks who aren't boulder-splitting combat henshin represented.
For the Crab:
Moar Kuni. Because I love them.
For the Unicorn:
A couple of solid characters to build playerbase morale...
For Everybody:
Neutral Minor Clan cards- both Dynasty and Conflict. Maybe, since they won't be evergreen, design them to only join certain clans- like, Sparrow would play well with Crane, Dragonfly could join Dragon or Phoenix, Centipede working with Phoenix, Lion and Scorpion get left out in the cold completely because they're such jerks
, Fox playing well with Crane or Unicorn, Hare working with Crab, and so forth.
More neutral Brotherhood cards. The Seeker/Keeper initiates already mean they have a presence, but, you know... always room for more in my heart, if not in my deck...