How to Manage Your Fate (According to Joe From Cincinnati)

By Joe From Cincinnati, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

As a Crab I'm sure it's something along the lines of...........

1. Strike opponent in the face with your Tetsubo

2. Take opponent's fate

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you are victorious

4. Profit (shout out to my Yasuki)


Nice write up Hatamojoe!


That is a very good article.

Agreed. Keep them coming!

I was horribly beaten on Jigoku by a player named Reiga using Ponies. So embarrassed!

Fantastic article, Joe! Too many of my opponents drop 3 or 4 cost characters with a single fate, this article is really good at balancing when this is appropriate (most times, it isn't) and when it's not. Plus, as a fellow Crab player, anything that tries to convince opponents to invest even MORE fate in big characters makes me really happy. Nothing better than hitting them with a surprise Way of the Crab in the fate phase action window.

Hida Tomonatsu isn't the worst card in the world. There are many, many situations in which I prefer her over Vengeful Berserker, for example. I play primarily dishonor, having the option to defend political is excellent. I'm constantly on the fence about Shameful Display vs. Pilgrimage, and she's a great target for Shameful. I've faced down a lot of ugly, two-fate Niten Masters or Adepts, Lion's Pride Brawlers and Doji Challengers--if you can catch them with some fate or attachments, her ability is actually rather solid. Situational, sure--I'm not going to argue that she's an all-star, but as a 1-2x of in your dynasty deck, you could do a lot worse.

Look forward to more of your stuff!

Nice article. Hope no one else reads it because I'm selfish and want to win.

I just played the first round of the Discord Tournament and, you know, it had some pretty good examples of what I was talking about in my Fate Management article, so I decided to do a voice over and give my thoughts on the decisions I made etc.

Nice to know I could have been crushed even more comprehensibly :rolleyes:

That was my first try at unicorn splash as well and though the Spyglass rocks the favoured mount is more a way to ensure spyglass is fired more frequently (my other experiment was duelist training, I like the idea of having it on a bowed peep and then firing the duel as I dont care if I lose so favoured mount can move a bowed peep from an earlier battle in to either hopefully bow or ensure card/honor loss.) In retrospect both scenarios are nice but involve card combos I wont always get much like trying to build an honour duelling deck I think.

I did also think post game that if the unicorn cards I saw had been replaced by my more usual dragon splash would I have done better? I'd have still lost but made it harder for you I think.

Goblin Sneak is vicious and and you don't notice the fate loss until you realise you cant play the defensive cards you thought you were going to and then your screwed especially with a Kisada grinning at you from the other side.

That was a nice voice over btw..

Excellent article, offering personal insights into the management of Fate in the game. Highly enjoyable.

Really good article. Have recommended it to a friend of mine looking to get into the game as a way of understanding the fate system.

3 hours ago, Matrim said:

Nice to know I could have been crushed even more comprehensibly :rolleyes:

That was my first try at unicorn splash as well and though the Spyglass rocks the favoured mount is more a way to ensure spyglass is fired more frequently (my other experiment was duelist training, I like the idea of having it on a bowed peep and then firing the duel as I dont care if I lose so favoured mount can move a bowed peep from an earlier battle in to either hopefully bow or ensure card/honor loss.) In retrospect both scenarios are nice but involve card combos I wont always get much like trying to build an honour duelling deck I think.

I did also think post game that if the unicorn cards I saw had been replaced by my more usual dragon splash would I have done better? I'd have still lost but made it harder for you I think.

Goblin Sneak is vicious and and you don't notice the fate loss until you realise you cant play the defensive cards you thought you were going to and then your screwed especially with a Kisada grinning at you from the other side.

That was a nice voice over btw..

Yea, splashes are so interesting because of that opportunity cost consideration. I even mention early on that seeing your spyglass let me know that I don't need to contend with Fury and Let Go, which eases my mind, as your opponent. I do think the Unicorn splash is really interesting out of Crane though, especially with the Doji Representative who basically guarantees it's triggering twice per round.

Goblin Sneak was definitely one of the MVPs of that game :).

On 11/9/2017 at 11:52 AM, j_gunder said:

Fantastic article, Joe! Too many of my opponents drop 3 or 4 cost characters with a single fate, this article is really good at balancing when this is appropriate (most times, it isn't) and when it's not. Plus, as a fellow Crab player, anything that tries to convince opponents to invest even MORE fate in big characters makes me really happy. Nothing better than hitting them with a surprise Way of the Crab in the fate phase action window.

Hida Tomonatsu isn't the worst card in the world. There are many, many situations in which I prefer her over Vengeful Berserker, for example. I play primarily dishonor, having the option to defend political is excellent. I'm constantly on the fence about Shameful Display vs. Pilgrimage, and she's a great target for Shameful. I've faced down a lot of ugly, two-fate Niten Masters or Adepts, Lion's Pride Brawlers and Doji Challengers--if you can catch them with some fate or attachments, her ability is actually rather solid. Situational, sure--I'm not going to argue that she's an all-star, but as a 1-2x of in your dynasty deck, you could do a lot worse.

Look forward to more of your stuff!

I think I'm mostly bitter about Tomonatsu because the character in the story and the art are both so bad *** and then the character is just...ugh.

Maybe once non unique Oni characters take over the meta she becomes better, and more thematic too, but until then I will just be leaving her out of the deck entirely haha.

Great article. Thanks!