About Shogun and Hatamoto titles

By Andre Bigler, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but for many (future) players here in my community all these different championships and titles are a little overwhelming. So I'm writing a kind of "guide" for them to understand it a little better. But there is one or two things I don't undertood (and again, it may sound like something dumb, but I prefer to make sure to avoid wrong explanations).

We had the first Hatamotos chosen from Kiku Matsuri. Ok. Then, we had the Winter Court, where we had new Hatamotos (the previous lost their titles, I think) and the Shogun. Is the Shogun a Hatamoto too (since he is obviously the highest ranked player of his/her clan), or not (because, well, he/she is already the Shogun, with all the important decisions to make)?

Hatamotos will now be chosen from Kotei tournaments, right? So, we'll have several (I mean capital SEVERAL) Hatamotos when the Winter Court 2018 takes place, since the title remains for two seasons (unless the player uses another clan, obviously)?

I'm looking through all OP pages, gathering infos so the players here could understand a little better, but this things are buggering me.

Once you earn Hatamoto it lasts 2 years unless you "renew" it by re-hatamoto'ing (Top X in clan at appropriate events). Each of the Winter Courts and Kotei events will give players a chance to achieve this goal. The Kiku Matsuri was to seed the pool, but there is no reason why it would expire.

I'm not sure on the whole Shogun thing though. Hatamoto title was granted at the end of Swiss (The Crab Challenger was not a Hatamoto since the Hatamoto dropped to play netrunner). It is possible that the winner of the tournament was not top in clan after Swiss. So unless FFG added something on, its entirely possible the winner of the Winter Court doesn't get Hatamoto Status.

Anyone in the top four at a specified event that hasn't already earned Hatamoto from that particular event is awarded Hatamoto status. It is in fact how I earned my second Hatamoto mat :)

Hatamoto title was granted at the end of Swiss (The Crab Challenger was not a Hatamoto since the Hatamoto dropped to play netrunner).
Oh, so the Hatamoto isn't only "the clan's top player" - it is "the clan's top player in Swiss rounds". That was the bit I was mising.

Anyone in the top four at a specified event that hasn't already earned Hatamoto from that particular event is awarded Hatamoto status.
That is news to me. Thanks, I'll add to the info for the playeres here. :)