Yeah, that's right, I said it!
Wanna fite about it?
Levy is more powerful than Backhanded Compliment
By posting this thread you make the two sum of the two threads you started about Backhanded Compliment = troll (but in a comical way like Shrek)
In other words, if you are so obsessed with Backhanded Compliment then marry it!
Levy seems worse than Backhanded Compliment to me.
42 minutes ago, Tokhuah said:By posting this thread you make the two sum of the two threads you started about Backhanded Compliment = troll (but in a comical way like Shrek)
In other words, if you are so obsessed with Backhanded Compliment then marry it!
Lol. Nah, I actually prefer the Seeker of Void roll, so I am much less concerned with the actual card. My disagreement (and the reason for my other posts on the topic) is the ridiculous NPE concerns.
21 minutes ago, Ignithas said:Levy seems worse than Backhanded Compliment to me.
So here's my logic:
•Levy- If your opponent plans around your Levy, they hinder their economic game, which helps you win. If they don't play around your Levy, they'll probably have no Fate left and you are guaranteed the Honor, which helps you win.
•Backhanded- Taking their Honor helps you win, but giving them cards helps them win. (Maybe they topdeck that one thing they needed to beat you and you can't finish pushing them to zero before it happens.
meh, I have no problem with either. Pack those two and that's less conflict tech to stop me.
what I particularly like about this game is that currently you can only really lose to dishonor if you chose. You go and bid 5 then use an assasinate and you have made a choice to risk dishonor loss.
Y'all, Contingency Plan is more powerful than Backhanded Compliment. Contingency Plan, used to lower a bid, causes you, the poor sucker, to draw a card and give them an honor.
5 hours ago, Tokhuah said:By posting this thread you make the two sum of the two threads you started about Backhanded Compliment = troll (but in a comical way like Shrek)
In other words, if you are so obsessed with Backhanded Compliment then marry it!
Shrek is an OGRE not a troll! I demand you apologize and get your fantasy lore right!
I apologize for my culturally insensitive post. I in no way meant to marginalize the rich and diverse history of Ogre culture.
I also want to give Bayushi Tsubaki props for not taking my playful ribbing seriously. I find that humor breaks the tension that disagreements sometimes causes.
I know this is a joke thread but from the gameplay viewpoint a 'punisher' card is always weaker than the card that gets its intended effect 100% of the time. Unless said punisher card is extremly undercosted which is not true for Levy I'm afraid
3 hours ago, BordOne said:.... Unless said punisher card is extremly undercosted which is not true for Levy I'm afraid
Absolutely true. Good point.
That is a good basis for approaching the cost effectiveness of a given card. More ‘true’ now with the releases that are about to be unveiled in upcoming packs.
While I do run Levy in my deck for the dishonor ability it is tough to use because you have to wait for low honor (3 or less) and no fate to pull it off. However, fate starving an opponent with three Levy's is also valuable. BHC is also somewhat versatile in my opinion as you can lose an honor to gain card advantage (and take an honor from opponent if you are now lower). It does appear that it is far easier to use to BHC for the dishonor win when an opponent is at low honor. I do not think either of these cards are overpowered in the slightest and I can not for the life of me understand why people are screaming that BHC will ruin the game. I can understand not enjoying losing to a dishonor, however the game was designed for it to be used as a legitimate win condition. Honor dial bids are going to change a lot especially when Way of the Chrysanthemum is released. I think both cards are good in the right decks, however it is far too early to say that any cards are too weak or too strong as the game was officially released only a couple months ago.
On 11/6/2017 at 5:27 AM, Bayushi Tsubaki said:So here's my logic:
•Levy- If your opponent plans around your Levy, they hinder their economic game, which helps you win. If they don't play around your Levy, they'll probably have no Fate left and you are guaranteed the Honor, which helps you win.
•Backhanded- Taking their Honor helps you win, but giving them cards helps them win. (Maybe they topdeck that one thing they needed to beat you and you can't finish pushing them to zero before it happens.)
i think the reason people see BH better then levy is they are both used to snipe the last fate from your opponent with out anything they can do about it, levy you have to wait for them to give up that last fate while back handed you dont, who cares if they draw a card if they you take the last fate, as to add to it, if my opponent isnt dishonoring out like im planning then i can always use it only my self to card cycle. Where levy if it becomes apperent that they arnt going down by dishonor they probably wouldnt sweat the 1 honor loss over the 1 fate. Both are great cards in my opinion.
Backhanded compliment isn't for the same job op. You use it on yourself for cards as you don't care about honor as much. Or it's a coup de gras if the enemy is low
That must mean Backhanded Compliment is ****.
And yet somebody felt the need to "save" the game from this monstrosity.
Nope. BC must be stronger. Card game jesus had to come out for that specific card.
When you get all 3 LEVY and 3 BACKHANDED COMPLIMENT in your hand at once and your enemy is dumb and completely unfates himself you will completely win that game.
This is so broken this is gonna happen ALL THE TIME!
Oh it won't...**** statistics...
Everyone...breathe...relax...and do the's gonna be OK...