24 minutes ago, clanmccracken said:I disagree with this statement. You very much CAN play around BC, and you can play around it easier than you can WotCH. The thing with WotCH is its a neutral card. It can literally be in any or every deck. You will never know if its in the deck or not, unless you happen to know the exact contents of the deck you are playing. With BC, you only have to worry about it if you are playing against that particular role, and only then if they are splashing scorpion.
Sure WotCh can be in every deck but the opportunity to play the card is extremely narrow and easily identified........any time your opponent has two open fate when you go to honor dials you have to consider your bid more carefully. So literally once per turn. And the only time it's a game winner on it's own is when you're at 17 honor or higher.
BC on the other hand has no fate cost and can be played in any action window so any time you face a Keeper role you have to be aware of the threat of BC the entire game.
Someone pursuing an honor victory also naturally puts them at a card, disadvantage. On the turn you play WotCh you generally put yourself at a board disadvantage too. In order to play WotCh you have to wager your hand and current board state is strong enough to carry you to an honor victory before your opponent can bring your honor back down or crack your stronghold. You only put pressure on yourself by playing it.
BC doesn't require you to play to a particular strategy. You could use it for your own cycling if you wanted. You don't have to put yourself at a card disadvantage to play it. It puts pressure on the other player by being unpredictable.