1 hour ago, Ishi Tonu said:I'm not sure what prompted this particular one. I seem to recall one person saying they thought dishonor was NPE in general, during a different thread about BC, and then this thread popped up and now here we are.
I started this thread in response to learning that there was someone basically campaigning to keep Scorpion from getting a Keeper role because they were just so absolutely completely sure that BC in Scorpion would ruin everything for new players. It had nothing to do with Hinomura's actual choice, and I've been pretty clear that I agree with the decision of Seeker of Void and all the reasoning behind that choice that you can find on dojooflies, the FB group, here, etc.
I've been playing Scorpion since Samurai Edition of the CCG, which basically means I've seen people complaining about Dishonor for 10 years, almost nonstop. It's always been baseless, IMO, as the only time Dishonor was truly NPE was waaaay back in the early days of Breach of Etiquette without a Blood Money rule, and that problem was solved long before I joined the game.
In my experience, the only time in the CCG that the player base was largely okay with Dishonor was when it wasn't competitive. I remember Bayushi Saya making more people angry than Chagatai xp4, and that's ridiculous.
So when the LCG dropped it's very first "solid Dishonor card" and the response was an immediate chicken little, I saw the last 10 years trying to repeat themselves going forward and I wanted to do my part to nip that nonsense in the bud.
And as you said, now here we are.