I had issues with dishonor as much as with honor back in the CCG (where money made a difference in which cards you could had). Being Unicorn, didn't help that I was supposed to be weak to Scorpion and Crane. Right? That said, a Crane that only had to sit on his hands while his deck auto-obliterated my Unicorns was not fun at all. Scorpion was ugly back when ' First turn. Breach of Etiquette. You are out of the game unless you happen to get some early Sanetama or Katta. Maybe Lies, Lies, Lies... ? ' and while things improved over time, the experience was still painful.
I don't mind some unconditional cards here and there. But I do prefer to be more interaction for every victory condition. And certainly, I don't want to have Clans that autowreck others because of style. Not sure how offtopic I have gone but while I don't expect to "like" how some decks achieve their victory condition, I'd love to be able to have some fun while losing (fun had while playing against Faceless Ninja with Unicorn == 0.0000000000000000000000000000%).