——— > Could be a local dating system, or perhaps a form of page number. Up to the GM really. ———— > I’d imagine so, yes. Even the finest of autoscribes do make errors ——— > See #2 ———— > It could be if that’s how a GM wants to run that cult, but it’s equally valid to say that a GM could use them to create another cult. I’d rather leave it ambiguous to be honest. ———— > The latter, talents and powers. ———— > Yes. ———— > Yes, 10 would mean two more, etc. ————— > Yes, they do protect. It’s a psychic attack. ———— > I’m thinking they wouldn’t follow Drusus, but after you read the trilogy let me know what you think. It’s possible their leaders might have become bewitched into following the false saint though. ————— > If the GM wants him to be, sure. See #4. |