What you call the dice

By fjw70, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

When playing the game, do you refer to dice by their actual name? I just refer to them by colors (e.g. I will use a destiny point to upgrade a purple to a red).

What do you call them?

Their name, unless I'm teaching the game and then will add the color to the name (Black Setback dice, Red Challenge die). It's easier in person if you just hold the die up though. "I'm going to upgrade one of your Difficulty dice to a Challenge die," you say as you swap the two and flip a Destiny Point.

IMO they were given names for a reason, and learning their names is part of playing the game. So when you introduce a Setback, or you upgrade your Ability, the dice pool gains that much more meaning for you to use in narrating the effects of the roll.

Steve, Bob, and Gunnar.

4 hours ago, Stan Fresh said:

Steve, Bob, and Gunnar.

I refer to all of the dice as d20s. It's incredibly annoying to all of my players, and they've gotten into the habit of assembling a negative dice pool that seems about right for the situation on their own.

Colours, although our DM has a habit of calling the purple ones black or blue. We did go with dice shapes when we first started and didn't have the proper dice.

I'd prefer to use the proper names, and when I'm teaching the game to people at conventions I do, but with my current group the party is so large and we meet so infrequently it's just been easier to refer to them by color. Everyone knows what the dice mean/correspond to, so it's worked.

It depends on how sleep deprived I am while playing.

On a good night, we refer to the specific dice by their colors.

But most nights its, "I've got a good one and two really good dice so far. Should I be grabbing any of the small bonus dice? Oh, and what's this all opposed by?"

Color. Makes it simple for the players.

I switch between depending on how much focus I am devoting to something else.

I almost always call setback die, "setback die", and boost die boost die. But I frequently will revert to colors for the others, I think mostly because of the names for them don't really differentiate them too much. "Challenge and Difficulty" are pretty similar in meaning, and my players have caught me using the wrong word, and asking for clarification, to which I respond with "sorry, the *insert color* ones" Equally "Proficiency and Ability" aren't very uniquely descriptive to me as words, and are very interchangeable.

Green, Yellow, Boost; Purple, Setback, [unprintable]


Difficulty die are referred to by the difficulty. “Easy,” “Average,” “Hard,” and “Daunting.”

Then there is “Boost” and “Setback.”

And the players know how to deal with their own ability die.

But, I like this idea:


Boost=“Booster Boosters”

Ability=“Green Lights”

Proficiency=“Unlimited Powers”

Setback=“Minor Setbacks”

Difficulty=“Difficult Daves”

Challenge=“12.5% Chance of Despair”

Considering my dice hate me, I usually call them 'Those little bastards'. But thats just me.

2 hours ago, LugWrench said:

Considering my dice hate me, I usually call them 'Those little bastards'. But thats just me.

:lol: :lol: :lol: ROFLMAO!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

19 hours ago, LugWrench said:

Considering my dice hate me, I usually call them 'Those little bastards'. But thats just me.

You obviously didn't court them properly or cheated on them and used someone else's dice. Take them out for a nice dinner, whisper sweet nothings to their symboled faces, etc. Give it a try, and see if they start liking you.

3 hours ago, Kiowa706 said:

You obviously didn't court them properly or cheated on them and used someone else's dice. Take them out for a nice dinner, whisper sweet nothings to their symboled faces, etc. Give it a try, and see if they start liking you.

Oh, I'm not that nice. I microwave them. 4 seconds in the microwave, then return them to the herd. As a warning to the others....

On 11/17/2017 at 0:07 PM, LugWrench said:

Oh, I'm not that nice. I microwave them. 4 seconds in the microwave, then return them to the herd. As a warning to the others....

Well, no wonder they hate you then. You should get some more ranks in coercion, or try a different method.

I call my dice the doom polyhedrons.

Usually by color, boost and setback are not uncommon either.

On 11/17/2017 at 6:12 AM, Kiowa706 said:

You obviously didn't court them properly or cheated on them and used someone else's dice. Take them out for a nice dinner, whisper sweet nothings to their symboled faces, etc. Give it a try, and see if they start liking you.

No. You set up all the dice in a semi-circle and select one. Smash that one die with a hammer, and make sure that all the other dice get a good, long look at what happened when they fail you. That will get the survivors to fall in line.

8 hours ago, Desslok said:

No. You set up all the dice in a semi-circle and select one. Smash that one die with a hammer, and make sure that all the other dice get a good, long look at what happened when they fail you. That will get the survivors to fall in line.

Yea but then you're out one die. What if you needed that one? What if that one was THE one to bring balance to the Force? To destroy the Deathstar 4 or what ever big bad your GM has created. Or find your characters love? But no, you killed it! Now you'll never know.

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