In Fury of Osano-Wo (page 125), there is extra text in "With a sudden, harsh incantation and a downward gesture or gaze, a shugenja trained in the invocation call the Fury of Osano-wo can conjure a bolt of lightning to strike foes with a powerful blast." Consider "With a sudden, harsh incantation and a downward gesture or gaze, a shugenja trained in this invocation summons Osano-wo's fury, conjuring a bolt of lightning to strike their foe with a powerful blast."
Also, the second New Opportunity says "Each target and other character at Range 0-2 of the target..." The technique only targets one enemy and has no opportunities that let it affect others, so that should be "The target and any character within Range 0-2 of the target..."
In the flavor text for Katana of Fire (page 126), insert "into" before "existence" in "burst of fire swirls existence in their grip in the shape of a sword." Also, in the New Opportunities:
- The first two opportunities run together. Please move the second to a new line.
- Because it's possible to create any type of weapon with the invocation by using the first opportunity, the second opportunity ("You may immediately perform a Strike action with the Katana you made") should say "weapon" instead of "katana" unless allowing a strike with any weapon would be unbalanced. I'm assuming it's fine, as Bo of Water allows a strike regardless of the form the weapon takes.
In Feigned Opening (page 134), "next attack checks against each target" should be "next attack check." "Next" can't be a multiple, and "each target" makes it clear it applies to every target, not just one.
In the technique Slippery Maneuvers (page 138):
- "Description" should be bolded,
- The "as" in "If you succeed and the conflict as a skirmish" should be "is."
- The second "you" in "If you succeed and the conflict is a mass battle, you and you cohort" should be "your."
In the technique Tributaries of Trade (page 139):
- Delete the first "your" in "If you succeed, you produce an item with rarity less than or equal to your 1 plus your bonus successes."
- To my understanding, items only have one cost, their value in koku. If that's true, consider changing the "costs" in "you must still pay the costs of the item" to "cost."