
By vespers2, in Dragon Shields

I suppose since we have a general discussion board dedicated to Dragon Shields, I might as well try and use it for just that.
So in the spirit of general discussion, how about some Dragon Shield testimonials?
Have there ever been instances where these shields actually saved your collections?
I'm more than willing to start things off and admit to an unfortunate incident with bottles of Cabernet sauvignon, creme de cacao, a multi-player game of MTG, and a cat craving attention. Using shields probably saved the life of said cat.


I used a lot of different card sleeves before finally being convinced to try Dragonshield Sleeves. The MTG sleeves with card art on them fall apart very quickly, and the really cheap ones fall apart quickly also. I absolutely love dragonshield sleeves, and will not buy anything else, they are truly a card fanatics best friend. Keep up the good work Dragonshield.

Which sleeves are better? Dragonshield or the FFG sleeves? I'm using the FFG Silver sleeves right now for Warhammer Invasion...would Dragonshields work better?

I have used dragon shield sleeves twice. I got both sets on the same day. One set of the sleeves fell apart to quickly. I think I had one split open during my first tournement of use. Lucky for me I had extra or that would have been a total bummer. I tought it was just bad luck, but shortly after they kept splitting from the sides. That was one pack. I have another set and have had not issues with them. I was using them for CCGs. I was constantly shuffling and modifying the decks.