Battlelore 3D Scenery custom : fortified tower

By Vendetta64, in BattleLore

I create my first building for custom battlelore terrain.
It's a fortified tower biggrin.gif

I used different materials. (insulating polystyrene, depron, carton, ...)
I will replace all the terrain tiles... :)




How do you indicate that a unit is inside?

My idea for the moment.
Unit inside tower. I place a flag on tower (red = uthuk, blue = daqan,...)
And I place my unit in a empty hex on the edge of the game board.

Edited by Vendetta64

That is excellent! I am working on a 3D painted set, probably borrow the idea

Really cool, it looks nice. Just for game practibility, you could make such a tower with a flat roof, so you could put the unit on top...

Makes me remember to our 20 year ago Warhammer Fantasy time when we have built tons of miniatures for Terrain, also diffenent types of fluff-terrain for every army.

Unfortunately... I've no more time for that nerdish kind of occupation ;)))

Edited by phalgast