At Worlds, How are they calculating Most Honorable Clan?

By TheItsyBitsySpider, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

So far at the World Championship Phoenix has won "Most Honorable Clan" on both Day1Z and Day1A which is really interested and exciting considering they are struggling on the field. I'm just curious how they are actually calculating that number as I haven't seen much on the process.

Edited by TheItsyBitsySpider

Yeah interesting. Not sure what they could be tracking during the tourney on the sheets that would indicate that.

Do the match results indicate type of victory? If so, they could be counting each clans' dishonor losses. If not, I really don't know what metric they could be using. Least modified losses, for recognizing defeat instead of dragging it out? :P

They mentioned somewhere where they would track how much honor each player had at the end of the game, and that would apply. Maybe it is average ending honor across games?

The tournament software has, for each match, a checkbox to indicate which of the two players involved had the higher Honor at the end of the match. This is independent of who won/lost, and the type of victory. I'm thinking this is probably how the organizers can determine which clan had the most Honor overall, irrespective of its aggregate performance in the event.

15 minutes ago, DGLaderoute said:

The tournament software has, for each match, a checkbox to indicate which of the two players involved had the higher Honor at the end of the match. This is independent of who won/lost, and the type of victory. I'm thinking this is probably how the organizers can determine which clan had the most Honor overall, irrespective of its aggregate performance in the event.

Oh I see, I thought they were recording the actual honor totals and then putting them through some process. Ok that makes far more sense now!

8 minutes ago, TheItsyBitsySpider said:

Oh I see, I thought they were recording the actual honor totals and then putting them through some process. Ok that makes far more sense now!

That is what I thought they were doing too. But its a bit weirder than that:

From the Kotei Page:

  • After each game during the Samurai Stage and Magistrate Stage, the player with the most honor will be recorded (the winner of the game wins ties). The most honorable clan rankings will be determined by totaling these records and dividing by the number of competitors who enrolled as that clan initially. Each player who remains from the clan with the highest average at the end of the Magistrate Stage will receive a set of metal honor tokens. Clans gain Glory Points based on their honorable ranking at each Kotei and Grand Kotei.

So Phoenix will not be leading the Shadowland hordes? In the CCG, they didn't start it but it seemed like they were pretty well corrupted by the end.

I'm pretty sure I heard that the players leg wrestle at the beginning of each game. First person to fart is deemed least honorable. I thought it might give Scorpion players an unfair advantage because of their whole "silent but deadly" technique but it looks like Phoenix has been able to buck the odds. Although it does make sense Phoenix players would be less gaseous as they I know what happens when gas is exposed to fire. Also with Shiba and Bayushi being twins it would stand to reason that if anyone could "sniff out" the Scorpion's tricks it would be the Phoenix.

At least that's what I heard. I could be mistaken.

Edited by Ishi Tonu
20 minutes ago, Mirith said:

That is what I thought they were doing too. But its a bit weirder than that:

From the Kotei Page:

Okay, I guess this is sort of an amplification of what the tournament software records. Essentially, it looks like they're taking the data from the software and normalizing it for the number of players for that clan, to get a "most honorable status/clan player" result.

2 hours ago, Mirith said:

That is what I thought they were doing too. But its a bit weirder than that:

From the Kotei Page:

All that is specifying is that any of the clan players that made the Magistrate cut, and didn't drop until the end of the Magistrate phase (hung around until the end of round 6) earned the prize of the tokens. So to win them you need to be in the clan with the highest average more honorable wins per player and make it to the end of round 6.

The honor total is just looking at how many times did the clan win with more honor and dividing it by the players.

For example, If phoenix had 10 players and ended up winning 35 games with higher honor then the opponent that would turn into each player having roughly 3.5 games where they ended with higher honor, and they compare these scores among the clans to decide which clan's players end up honorable most often and reward the best.