Issues with the Day 2 Cut math - (4-2's make the Day 2 cut, but it is impossible for them to make the Top 16)

By Khift, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Now that we know that d2 2 round swiss before cut to top 16 does NOT offer prize support, are people still okay with 34pts making day 2 when they have absolutely no chance to make the cut?

I think either an extra round of swiss was needed or the cut from d1 z,a, and b should have been 51...

Aboslutely anyone playing under 51 had no point (other than getting more good games in..)


I mean prize support for playing. Easily give folks those honor/dishonor tokens at the end of d1.

The argument I was told for allowing 34pts in was they could play for more prizes which they could not.

Edited by Vutall
1 hour ago, Vutall said:

Now that we know that d2 2 round swiss before cut to top 16 does NOT offer prize support, are people still okay with 34pts making day 2 when they have absolutely no chance to make the cut?

I think either an extra round of swiss was needed or the cut from d1 z,a, and b should have been 51...

Aboslutely anyone playing under 51 had no point (other than getting more good games in..)


I mean prize support for playing. Easily give folks those honor/dishonor tokens at the end of d1.

The argument I was told for allowing 34pts in was they could play for more prizes which they could not.

Sure am! Means they get to play more games and potentially place higher, even if they don't make the cut.

For some people who may travel from far away places (like Australia, for instance), being able to play in the biggest tournament of the year is a privilege. Additionally, they can still play for things like "Most Honourable Clan", as well as aim to be the "best in clan", which, given that Unicorn, for instance, had nobody in the Top 16, was entirely possible.

I get where you're coming from, but ultimately, is it harmful for them to play another day?

Edited by theaficionado