Hey everyone,
I'm not too good at intros and new to this forum so I'll get straight to the point. Long story short my friend was starting a Dark Heresy Campaign, so after quickly looking at the rule book I realized the character creation process is quite lengthy and fairly complicated. That's why I went looking for a character generator, but it seems like the only one I managed to find for 2E was unfinished and apparently hasn't been touched in a while. So I decided to write my own character generator, so that the new players in my friend's campaign could have something easy to use. But then other stuff happened and I stopped any progress for about two months so they already made all their characters. Luckily though I now have free time again so I am planning to continue creating the app, but I'm also not sure how much use it would get and as a result how much polish I should put into it. That's why I've found the first forum I came across to ask the opinion of the people on whether or not anybody actually wants this app to exist. I have most of the functionalities working-ish, but only just enough data copied from the rule book to test things. I could also do a short video to showcase how it works, cause I haven't deployed it anywhere yet.
I would be glad to hear any and all opinions.