Multiple clan roles

By kiramode, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

If I understand correctly clans will have a primary role and secondary role. Could someone explain how the secondary role will be chosen and when it will be chosen?

Also; I know that for the Winter Court only the primary role will be allowed, but what about other events? Could I use my clan's secondary role for Koteis?

Lastly; is there any reason a person in a clan would just choose opposite for their secondary role? So if I'm Lion and Keeper of Void was chosen at Winter court and I have the ability to choose the secondary role wouldn't I have major incentive to pick seeker of anything?

2 minutes ago, kiramode said:

If I understand correctly clans will have a primary role and secondary role. Could someone explain how the secondary role will be chosen and when it will be chosen?

Also; I know that for the Winter Court only the primary role will be allowed, but what about other events? Could I use my clan's secondary role for Koteis?

Lastly; is there any reason a person in a clan would just choose opposite for their secondary role? So if I'm Lion and Keeper of Void was chosen at Winter court and I have the ability to choose the secondary role wouldn't I have major incentive to pick seeker of anything?

Secondary role is chosen later. I'm not exactly sure when. They are basically keeping tabs on the participation by clan. Each time you participate in something official, you'll vote for your second role choice. Lowest Participation gets first choice of their vote, working on down.

Each kotai during the kotei season a clans players will be voting for elemental roles. At the conclusion of gencon 2018 in August clans will tally those scores and will be given their preferred rolls as they become available in a "second selection" style ceremony. These secondary roles can then be used instead of the clan's current role if a player chooses for two more major events, one not described that is mentioned as happening between Gencon and Worlds, and Worlds itself . At worlds the new official roles are chosen and the cycle begins again with the secondary's no longer being valid.

Basically at the tail end of the season they allow clans to experiment with roles they could be interested in to see if that is the role they want to lock themselves into as there are only 2 major events where it really matters. Not much else has been specified.

2 minutes ago, TheItsyBitsySpider said:

Each kotai during the kotei season a clans players will be voting for elemental roles. At the conclusion of gencon 2018 in August clans will tally those scores and will be given their preferred rolls as they become available in a "second selection" style ceremony. These secondary roles can then be used instead of the clan's current role if a player chooses for two more major events, one not described that is mentioned as happening between Gencon and Worlds, and Worlds itself . At worlds the new official roles are chosen and the cycle begins again with the secondary's no longer being valid.

Basically at the tail end of the season they allow clans to experiment with roles they could be interested in to see if that is the role they want to lock themselves into as there are only 2 major events where it really matters. Not much else has been specified.

I had understood it had lasted longer than just a few events. But I could be wrong and/or wishful thinking.

6 minutes ago, Mirith said:

Secondary role is chosen later. I'm not exactly sure when. They are basically keeping tabs on the participation by clan. Each time you participate in something official, you'll vote for your second role choice. Lowest Participation gets first choice of their vote, working on down.

People keep saying that but that's not how I read it. Here's the secondary Role announcement part.


Additional Elemental Role

Following the Winter Court World Championship, the top finisher from each clan will select their clan's exclusive elemental role for the new season in the Roles of Rokugan ceremony. At Organized Play events, their clan alone will utilize that role card when constructing their decks throughout that season. However, at the Winter Court World Championship and a special in-store event, each clan will gain the option of using a different role, as determined by Elemental Points and voting!

The roles chosen at the Roles of Rokugan ceremony can be assigned to an additional clan, but each of the ten elemental roles can only be assigned once during the Clan Standings process. Each competitor who enrolls in a Kotei, Grand Kotei, or Proving Grounds side event will cast one vote for the additional role they want their clan to gain access to, from among the other nine roles. Each vote assigns 10 Elemental Points to the clan who currently holds that role.

After the last Kotei Series event in the Toshi Ranbo Season, the clan with the fewest Elemental Points receives access to the role which their clan placed the most votes for. Then the remaining clan with the fewest Elemental Points receives access to the remaining role which their clan placed the most votes for. This will be repeated for the remaining five clans and five more roles. Ties for votes by a clan will be resolved by total votes for those roles across all clans, and then at random.

Return to this section after the first Kotei Series event for the voting totals of each clan.

From what I see it sounds like after all the votes are tallied the clan that has the roll that the least people in other clans want will get their first pick and the draft will go in that order. So if you've got seeker of earth and nobody else wants that, even if your clan has the most people voting for the secondary role you'll get that. Also means that people with the most generally wanted roles will have much lower chances of getting something they want.

4 minutes ago, TheItsyBitsySpider said:

Each kotai during the kotei season a clans players will be voting for elemental roles. At the conclusion of gencon 2018 in August clans will tally those scores and will be given their preferred rolls as they become available in a "second selection" style ceremony. These secondary roles can then be used instead of the clan's current role if a player chooses for two more major events, one not described that is mentioned as happening between Gencon and Worlds, and Worlds itself . At worlds the new official roles are chosen and the cycle begins again with the secondary's no longer being valid.

Basically at the tail end of the season they allow clans to experiment with roles they could be interested in to see if that is the role they want to lock themselves into as there are only 2 major events where it really matters. Not much else has been specified.

Sounds like the short version is that players will have only one role to use until August. Kind of a bummer.

Edited by kiramode
2 minutes ago, Mirith said:

I had understood it had lasted longer than just a few events. But I could be wrong and/or wishful thinking.

Store championships probably will allow them and things on the more local level, but major events (Kotei and other premium level stuff) it seems there is one big event in-between.

Like I said, more an excuse to test the role vs having to commit

Edited by TheItsyBitsySpider
10 minutes ago, TheItsyBitsySpider said:

Store championships probably will allow them and things on the more local level, but major events (Kotei and other premium level stuff) it seems there is one big event in-between.

Like I said, more an excuse to test the role vs having to commit

Yeah I see that now. How silly. I was kinda hoping they would add in a second role that would shift on a 6 month period, so everyone has an actual choice.

2 minutes ago, Mirith said:

Yeah I see that now. How silly. I was kinda hoping they would add in a second role that would shift on a 6 month period, so everyone has an actual choice.

They might in the future, they have already changed the system like 3-4 times since Gencon. Its a new thing in LCGs, I'm sure they are still feeling things out themselves.