Hello! I wish you all good luck and fun times, I wish I was there. I am a descendant of Japanese heritage, and have enjoyed the culture and lore of Legend of the Five Rings over the years.
There is a phrase in Japanese culture that is said to wish the recipient a great many years or prosperity and fortune. A phrase that should only mean goodwill and fortune. I would like to share the good will with you all, that you might share it's meaning and blessing with others.'Banzai' a simple two syllable phrase that can mean alot.
I won't force or tell anyone they must reply, but I ask this thread will only be filled with good feelings and intentions, as I am trying to only do the same. I am not seeking strife or harm. I just would like to share a piece of my heritage, my culture.
If you would like to share the same with others here, and those who have traveled, and are traveling to worlds, who I hope will have safe journies home, and fun times. Please at the end of this return the call with 'Banzai'