Unsightly Rabble

By Magnus Grendel, in Proofreading

Compare the Shadowlands Goblin:


Unsightly Rabble (*: One character other than the target at range 0–2 suffers 4 damage. This * can be activated a number of times per round equal to the number of goblins assisting with the check.)

to generic opportunities


Fire *+: Choose one character in the scene per * spent this way; each chosen character suffers 2 strife.

  • The ability is worded differently. Which is not a problem if it's intended to be different.
  • If the unsightly rabble ability is triggered multiple times, can the same target be selected each time? (the fire opportunity explicitly can't with the way it is worded)
  • If it can be, and the same target is selected multiple times, does the damage combine or is it considered seperate 'blocks' of 4 damage? (which will bounce off anyone in wargear armour indefinitely)

I read that as each * spent is a seperate instance, but "suffers 4 damage" is easy to interpret either way. Personally, I would lean towards counting resistance with the current wording. The intent seems to be to make the goblin mass dangerous to be near if unprepared, I would expect them to highlight an exception (as they do with Striking as Water) if resistance didn't apply.