Supernatural Storm

By Asurya, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

I did a search on the card name but didn't find anything so will ask.

Supernatural Storm states:

Action: Choose a participating character – that character gets +X Military and +X Politcal until the end of the conflict. X is equal to the number of Shugenja characters you control . (Emphasis mine).

Now, having check the Rules Reference for control is says:

  • A player controls the cards in his or her out-of-play game areas (such as the hand, the dynasty and conflict decks, and the dynasty and conflict discard piles).

So, is your opponent just supposed to be take your word for it as to how many Shugenja characters are in your decks and hand?

well done for finding a rules mis-match. I am 99% confident the card means 'control in play' so no they wont take your word for it..i would be very surprised if the interpretation follows yours...

Abilities (Rules Reference page 2):

  • Card abilities only interact with, and can only target, cards that are in play, unless the ability specifically refers to an out-of-play area or element. Card abilities on characters, attachments, holdings, strongholds, and provinces can only be initiated or affect the game while they are in play unless the ability specifically refers to being used from an out-of-play area, or require that the card be out of play for the ability to resolve. Event cards and role cards implicitly interact with the game from an out-of-play area, as established by the rules of their cardtypes.
Edited by Tlfj200

OK, so essentially it'll be any characters participating in a Conflict, in the Home area or face up in a Province? Since they are all in play?

7 minutes ago, Asurya said:

OK, so essentially it'll be any characters participating in a Conflict, in the Home area or face up in a Province? Since they are all in play?

Characters in provinces aren't in play.

Worth knowing :)

Sorry, new to the game (we'll - we all are technically) - what I mean is I didn't ever play L5R CCG.

Thanks all.

Edited by Asurya

There's also a link here on the FFG site to get an email response to a rules question.

1 hour ago, Asurya said:

OK, so essentially it'll be any characters participating in a Conflict, in the Home area or face up in a Province? Since they are all in play?

In and Out of Play (Rules Reference page 9)

The cards (generally characters and attachments) that a player controls in his or her play area (at home or participating in a conflict), a player’s stronghold card, a player’s faceup province cards, and all holdings on a player’s provinces are considered “in play.” A player’s facedown provinces are considered in play only as “facedown provinces,” and the ability text on such cards is not considered active until the card is revealed.

“Out-of-play” refers to all other cards and areas involved in the game environment, including: character cards in a player’s provinces, role cards, cards in a player’s hand, decks, discard piles, and any cards that have been removed from the game .

Link to Rules Reference:

Role cards are considered "out of play"

13 minutes ago, Tlfj200 said:

“Out-of-play” refers to all other cards and areas involved in the game environment, including: character cards in a player’s provinces, role cards , cards in a player’s hand, decks, discard piles, and any cards that have been removed from the game .

Role cards are considered out of play? Then how do you take the action on them? That seems like a typo.

6 hours ago, Yogo Gohei said:

Role cards are considered "out of play"

Role cards are considered out of play? Then how do you take the action on them? That seems like a typo.

Role Cards (Rules Reference page 14)

Role Cards A role card is placed alongside a player's stronghold, and provides specialized abilities and limitations for that player's deck. A player may use a single role card in conjunction with his or her stronghold while assembling a deck. The role card starts the game next to its owner's stronghold and is revealed along with the stronghold during setup.

Role cards are not considered in play. Their text affects the game state from the out-of-play area while they are active beside a player's stronghold.

◊ Cards with the printed role cardtype cannot be removed from the game by other card abilities.

◊ In sanctioned tournament play, role card eligibility for each clan is determined by the Emperor's Sanction list, which is established through player participation.