Stefan's Painting

By stefanhws, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

Hi community,

my name ist Stefan and I come from Germany. Love Star Wars and of cause Imperial Assault.

So I started to paint my Minitures and I like to show them.

Hope you like the minis. Comments and criticism is welcome.

Kind regards











Edited by stefanhws


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Hi and welcome. These are very very well done. Excellent highlighting. What do you use for the reflecting light? As in Saska's device, vader's saber, etc... Also interested in how you got so much detail into Vader's suit to show different textures. Great work, looking forward to more.

Great stuff Stefan, welcome to the forum :)

beautiful stuff. i love the officer uniform highlights

well, darn. Amazing work! Keep it going.

Thanks for the beautiful comments.


Vaders has this very detailed suit. So i only maximize the contrast of the colors. All is painted with acrylic paints (Vallejo). Painted the helm as non metalic metal and give him a coat with gloss varnish. The Object source ligth for vader is done with a mix of black and red color. the OSL of Saska is done by blue color for the edges and blue glazes for the surfaces.

Here are some more pictures:

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Edit: Some more minis. Taking fotos is very time consuming. I hate it, :D

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Edited by stefanhws

That Inquisitor is truly fantastic!

vaders saber probably the most intense I ever saw, great work.

This is some spectacular work!!!


So good. Do more!

Thanks for your comments.

Here two minis I painted last week at a painters meeting.




Great work so far. Weiter so! :)

Really great work! I'm impressed with your color modulation and your osl