Toshi Ranbo / Kotei Series location speculation

By SolidusPrime, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Based on what is listed here:


"Locations around the world will host one of the approximately twenty Kotei events in the Toshi Ranbo Season , running through Gen Con 2018 ."


"Approximately 20 Kotei events will comprise the Toshi Ranbo Season. Five of them will be recognized as Grand Kotei events, where..."

How likely do you think it will be that Adepticon will host one of these events? I would really like a shot at the Hatamoto title, and don't want to wait until Gen Con :) I may be able to make the one on the 17th in PA, but it is kind of short notice, and the others are a bit too far.

What? Europe is too far? Perish the thought.

When I look out of the window, I can see Europe! :o

14 minutes ago, Yakamo no Oni said:

When I look out of the window, I can see Europe! :o

You must be from Russia. Look out a window, you see Europe. Go to the other side of the house, look out the window and you see Alaska. Go to your basement and you see MMO gold farmers.

Nah, I'm from Germany so there's Europe in every window and Sim City players in my basement.