Ancestral attachments

By Mirumoto Ryan, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Hi all,

quick rules question.

If I have two restricted attachments on a character one of which is ancestral and then I attach another restricted attachment to that character forcing me to discard 1. If I discard the ancestral attachment does it return to my hand. I think it should but ringteki doesn' t do that and I'm not sure if I've been playing it wrong or if ringteki is missing something.

cheers all,

Mirumoto Ryan

Ancestral attachments only return to your hand when the attached character leaves play, not the ancestral attachment itself. So no, playing another restricted attachment will just send one of them to the discard pile.

K. Thanks mate I misread the card. I thought it said when this card leaves play.

28 minutes ago, Mirumoto Ryan said:

K. Thanks mate I misread the card. I thought it said when this card leaves play.

The card is worded poorly, but is reminder text and not authoritative. The actual rules for Ancestral are in the RR.