Who to ally with...

By Waywardpaladin, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

So playing Dragon, and I've been splashing Crab. Reprieve is great, either a Good Omen for 1 that I can actually control, or Assassination insurance. The Mountain Does Not Fall let's me get value out of my tricked out characters.

However, it seems that in the coming games I'm not going to face straight out removal so much as getting my characters bowed. This means I need protection from events, which the Crane have.

So... should I ally myself with our friend the Crabs? Or aid Crane in their time of need and hope they do well by their Dragon allies?

Arguments either way?

I like crane for the bowing a single defender, event cancelling and extra duel attachment.

You might consider Lion. Ready for Battle stops bowing, and they have some pretty nifty attachments. Most of your tricked out characters are going to be bushi, so sashimono works nicely.

49 minutes ago, DarwinsDog said:

You might consider Lion. Ready for Battle stops bowing, and they have some pretty nifty attachments. Most of your tricked out characters are going to be bushi, so sashimono works nicely.

But do they have something to stop Fate Worse Than Death?

There's always Finger of Jade if you're really worried about it.

It's a single, expensive card. I wouldn't meta too much around it.

Above Question is a great reason to add Crane to a Dragon deck. It's searchable by Agasha Swordsmith, counts towards using your stronghold pump, and provides supreme protection from most surprises. Admit Defeat, Duelist Training, and Steward of Law are also really nice for Dragon. Voice of Honor is good too but hard to play against Crane, Phoenix, and Scorpion.

Go Crane if you want more protection for your battleship, Crab if you want to keep it around longer and maybe get more use on defense, or Lion if you want more use in Military conflicts and protection against bowing.

20 hours ago, Waywardpaladin said:

But do they have something to stop Fate Worse Than Death?

When the card comes out, I'll worry about stopping it. Probably just learn to expect it when a Scorpion player is saving 4 fate.

If you prevent the bow, you still have the potential for favorable ground or another conflict, so it still helps.