More Card Spoilers

By ElSuave, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

i like him, he has the 4 political stat, which means he can take provinces on his own if needed, but ultimately he is a more restricted slightly altered testuo (action ,not stats). Would have liked to see him say something like only one of the targets needs to be readied.

8 hours ago, Shu2jack said:

I want to utterly crush the Scorpion.

Were you not showing Scorpion last week? :P

Fun spoilers. I am just excited to get them and watch the game really open up.

4 hours ago, ElSuave said:


Thing is that you can always choose a character that you control (costing 2 or lower, non-participating, ready) and bring him/her/it into the conflict, and if your opponent does not have a similar character, oh well.... which would be a 'power play' sort of thingy.


You can simply harpoon (is that the term that is used? I think it is) in an enemy character that might cause you pain in upcoming rounds and have him "attend" the conflict and then go home bowed... which would be a 'screw-over-your-opponent' sort of thingy. !!! (see what I did there?) :D

Love this card. Even more so because it is within the appreciably Unicorn theme, which makes it 'better.'

24 minutes ago, LordBlunt said:

Thing is that you can always choose a character that you control (costing 2 or lower, non-participating, ready) and bring him/her/it into the conflict, and if your opponent does not have a similar character, oh well.... which would be a 'power play' sort of thingy.

Not sure what you mean here. You have to target both characters as part of the cost/ requirement. If your opponent doesn't have a targetable character, the action fails.

5 minutes ago, Zesu Shadaban said:

Not sure what you mean here. You have to target both characters as part of the cost/ requirement. If your opponent doesn't have a targetable character, the action fails.

Wait, really?

I thought it worked similar to Shameful Display? (in that as long as one character card can be moved, then Tadaji's Action goes off and takes effect. No?)

Shameful Display asks you to pick two targets as part of the cost. If you can't pick 2 targets, you cannot use the action.

Edited by RafaelNN
58 minutes ago, LordBlunt said:

Wait, really?

I thought it worked similar to Shameful Display? (in that as long as one character card can be moved, then Tadaji's Action goes off and takes effect. No?)

You might be thinking of the effect for Shameful Display. To use it, you still have to meet the targeting requirements, which in Shameful Display's case means choosing 2 participating characters who are valid targets for the effect (honoring or dishonoring). If you can successfully choose your targets, THEN you can choose to resolve the effect in a manner that only part of the effect actually occurs (just honoring your character or just dishonoring your opponent's character).

Tadaji's ability is similiar, but note that the targeting requirement involves choosing "a ready non-participating character with printed cost 2 or lower controlled by each player". On top of all these restrictions, the effect must be able to affect the target for it to be a valid target. Since we've already confirmed that harpooning effects cannot break participation restrictions (such as a "dash" for the conflict skill type, or text that states the character cannot participate in that type of conflict, etc.) then the same must hold true for targeting characters with Tadaji's ability to move them into the conflict.

So, to meet the targeting requirements for Tadaji, you must select a character controlled by each player that meets the following conditions:
1. Is ready.

2. Is not participating in the conflict.

3. Has a printed cost of 2 or lower.

4. Can legally move into the current conflict.

If you are unable to select a character controlled by each player that meets all of these restrictions, then you do not meet the targeting requirement and the ability cannot be used, as per the Rules Reference:


◊ If an ability requires the choosing of one or more targets, and there are not enough valid targets to meet all of its targeting requirements, the ability cannot be initiated. This initiation check is made at the same time the ability’s play restrictions are checked.

The real kick in the pants is, if you were to try and use this with multiplayer, it gets even more complicated since the ability states "each player". You'd either have to errata the card for multiplayer, have rules to allow all players to participate in a conflict, or allow non-participating players to have characters dragged into a conflict that they contribute nothing to.

Edited by Zesu Shadaban
Corrected subconscious efforts at dishonoring Unicorn by misspelling Tadaje', Tadaji's name.

I am glad to see ffg succeeded in making a 4+ unicorn character even worse than the existing ones! Can't give the ponies good cards, who knows what might happen!

2 minutes ago, Shinjo Tegi said:

I am glad to see ffg succeeded in making a 4+ unicorn character even worse than the existing ones! Can't give the ponies good cards, who knows what might happen!

His quote should be "If you play this card then, victory is impossible"

I actually don't think that he is bad, but he is worse than cards that do similar things and there are not enough cards that give advantages when movement actions happen to mitigate this.

5 minutes ago, Ignithas said:

I actually don't think that he is bad, but he is worse than cards that do similar things and there are not enough cards that give advantages when movement actions happen to mitigate this.

He would become more playable if the theme of "get economy for movement" theme continues to grow, but right now the really sad part is that the cost restriction on his abilities means no Ide Trader.

Overly restrictive wording/rulings mean he's bad like Tatsuo is bad, which is a shame.

11 hours ago, Daigotsu Bakunin said:

It did in a different thread. I am still of the opinion that as more cards are released, Dragon splashes will be diluted and Pit Trap will be more attractive.

The issue isn't that it's a bad card, but the card doesn't even work as intended. It's attach to an attacking character...but it's no longer attacking after conflict, so it falls off. It doesn't even stop people from readying, as it doesn't stick around. You're only paying 3 fate for -1/-1 that lasts for that conflict only.

Edited by Hordeoverseer

I know somebody mentioned it before but here we are again with L5R cards sharing names with Lord of the Rings cards. (Pit Trap, Ride Them Down, etc) not being critical, just ho-hum amusing

14 minutes ago, Hordeoverseer said:

The issue isn't that it's a bad card, but the card doesn't even work as intended. It's attach to an attacking character...but it's no longer attacking after conflict, so it falls off. It doesn't even stop people from readying, as it doesn't stick around. You're only paying 3 fate for -1/-1 that lasts for that conflict only.

If that's your mayor concern with this card, I'm pretty sure that FFG will errata it to work as intended, or rule it as it'll stick around.

Why would go away. Attachment restrictions only apply to when and who you ply it on. Pacifism and fashion don't disappear when conflict starts

Edited by Notorious I.D.E.
18 minutes ago, Hordeoverseer said:

The issue isn't that it's a bad card, but the card doesn't even work as intended. It's attach to an attacking character...but it's no longer attacking after conflict, so it falls off. It doesn't even stop people from readying, as it doesn't stick around. You're only paying 3 fate for -1/-1 that lasts for that conflict only.

?? Why would it fall off?

4 minutes ago, Notorious I.D.E. said:

Why would go away. Attachment restrictions only apply to when and who you ply it on. Kimono and fashion don't disappear when conflict starts

RR, Page 3:

If a situation arises in which an attachment is not legally attached, discard the attachment.

Kimono and Fashion don't have attachment restrictions (except for the fase for Fashion)

Yeesh, I forgot about that "attachment checking for legality rule". Very counter intuitive imo. Good catch @Hordeoverseer

Forgot the continuous check thing...still don't like that.

Well continuous checking exists though throughout the game. Attachments are events that hang around and share some boilerplate phrasing.

I wrote out a bunch of different ways it could be phrased, none meant to be any proper RR based way but realize that might be confusing.

Really if you just imagine it's an effect which relies on some kind of condition to be attached, and being attached has effects, it is less counter-intuitive feeling.

Edited by Tebbo

All Unicorn is missing is a solid "send home" ability for their units that's cheap, semi-repeatable, and not terribly telegraphed.