ok let me know if this is just wrong...
last night i did this:
instead of defeating heroes with my minions (when i easily could have) i chose to declare exhaustion leaving
the hero with only 1 card left in his life pool. because the hero failed to defeat the minion and wasn't thalin
(who possesses the ability to continue after failing to defeat a minion/monster) their turn ends and essentially
i've got them pwned the next time their turn comes around.
now i've been considering this strategy for awhile but never put it into effect until last night. as i imagined
it was very effective and although i can't find anything in the rules against it... it just seems so unfair.
what do you think?
-undefeated sauron
p.s. i'd also like to add that in all the games we've played nobody has won as the heroes a single time
with the exception of a 1-v-1 game.