Jade Strike

By rcuhljr, in Balance Issues

While a suddenly new and awesome way to combat maho tsukai, this spell now feels super underwhelming for battling regular tainted creatures. It does no damage and it's almost mandatory to get earth 5 before you have a chance to start causing real problems and the ability to do any physical damage through bleeding. The fact that a rank 2 Kuni can't kill a goblin with repeated jade strikes just feels... terrible. Or that in the Ronin's path jade strike was solely a hindrance since it did nothing to the Oni besides trigger it's critical condition and daze+damage all the bushi in melee.

Earth becomes sky is just a far better choice almost all of the time for fighting the forces of the shadowlands, which feels pretty meh.

Most goblins are minions so will take Earth+bonus successes in wounds from a Jade Strike.

On 10/28/2017 at 6:09 AM, rcuhljr said:

Or that in the Ronin's path jade strike was solely a hindrance since it did nothing to the Oni besides trigger it's critical condition and daze+damage all the bushi in melee.

How did the criticals do nothing? At worst they'll damage (and then destroy) his armour.

7 hours ago, Magnus Grendel said:

How did the criticals do nothing? At worst they'll damage (and then destroy) his armour.

They gave the fire based monster disoriented, so it just continued smashing people and didn't use it's aoe fireball in return for an aoe daze+damage at melee.

16 hours ago, rcuhljr said:

They gave the fire based monster disoriented, so it just continued smashing people and didn't use it's aoe fireball in return for an aoe daze+damage at melee.

Ah. And no-one had anything to capitalize on disoriented (something like Veiled Menace). Fair enough.