mook's questions thread

By mooks, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Been asked to start my own thread.

On the green dice, what does this symbol mean? Not the "surge" or the "hearts for damage", the rectangle shape ?

green dice

You mean the 0 (zero)? It's the range :)

Yes indeed...that is range.

It's a zero ?!?

So I'm firing at hero six squares away. I roll three dice, on the blue a four, on the black a one and on the green a zero.

So I miss the hero due to not having the range.

What's the difference if I roll a blank on the green dice ? I can't see that iit makes a difference ?

mooks said:

It's a zero ?!?

So I'm firing at hero six squares away. I roll three dice, on the blue a four, on the black a one and on the green a zero.

So I miss the hero due to not having the range.

What's the difference if I roll a blank on the green dice ? I can't see that iit makes a difference ?

Yep. Why would there be numbers in the same location on other dice but a mysterious rectangle on only the green die?

That's the tradeoff for having a more powerful ranged attack, if you hit you do more damage but you need to be closer or have your monsters get boosts from another monster with Command.

There is no blank on the green die. The green die is primarily a damage die, whereas the yellow die is meant primarily for range.

mooks said:

It's a zero ?!?

So I'm firing at hero six squares away. I roll three dice, on the blue a four, on the black a one and on the green a zero.

So I miss the hero due to not having the range.

What's the difference if I roll a blank on the green dice ? I can't see that iit makes a difference ?

Green dice have a blank side?

The difference is that you can spend fatigue to roll extra power dice. If you roll a power enhancement (1/heart), you can choose to spend that as range; your attack will then hit the target.

If you chose not to spend fatigue (or did not have any fatigue to spend), insufficient range has the same result as a miss, i.e. no damage.

EDIT: Just realized you said "firing at a hero", which probably means you're the Overlord. In that case, you obviously don't have fatigue to spend on extra black dice.

6 spaces away is fairly extreme range in Descent; most figures would be wise to get closer before attacking.

And no, having a zero for range is not different from having the range area be blank, they just decided to put in a zero to be explicit.

Also to be consistent, I think. Isn't there a range value on every side of each die (except Power dice)?


... and the stealth die. And the 'X' faces of the red / white / blue dice...


shnar said:

Also to be consistent, I think. Isn't there a range value on every side of each die (except Power dice)?

Power dice don't have them on the blank side or the side that gives a surge, so the rule clearly isn't "range is always printed" or even "range is always printed if the die gives anything at all." So I'm not sure what's "consistent" about printing zeroes on some dice and not on others. I guess it's "always printed on non-power dice that give damage or surges," but that's sounding a lot like "always printed on the dice faces where it happens to be printed."

"always printed on the dice faces where it happens to be printed."

Maybe Descent should join the Tautology Club.

Power dices are special than the other dices they have range uses differently (one range or one wound) , so i don't see why you need a zero on a surge face of the die. The others have range and wounds. I think it's perfect this way

Some of the named monsters have different stats from the master monsters on the reference cards though a player may be planning a move/action on the reference card stats.

Q1. - At what point should I inform the player of the "changed" stats ?

I have too say I feel I wouldn't reveal it until the named monster takes it's first wound.

My mate Gaz is going to have his third attempt at the first dungeon and instead of controlling two heroes he wants to control four. According to the rules I have to use the "two player" stats on the reference cards.

Q2. - Isn't that going to make the dungeon a bit a breeze for him ? Can I use the three player stats instead ?

I think this forum is an excellent resource BTW!

mooks said:

Some of the named monsters have different stats from the master monsters on the reference cards though a player may be planning a move/action on the reference card stats.

Q1. - At what point should I inform the player of the "changed" stats ?

I have too say I feel I wouldn't reveal it until the named monster takes it's first wound.

My mate Gaz is going to have his third attempt at the first dungeon and instead of controlling two heroes he wants to control four. According to the rules I have to use the "two player" stats on the reference cards.

Q2. - Isn't that going to make the dungeon a bit a breeze for him ? Can I use the three player stats instead ?

I think this forum is an excellent resource BTW!

Q1. DJitD pg16
When the heroes encounter a named monster, the overlord player must explain any different or special stats the monster possesses. The overlord player is not required to reveal any special abilities the monster may have.

You explain stat changes immediately. Special abilities only need to be revealed when the have an effect.

Q2. The number of player rules actually refer to the number of heroes (+1 for OL) as the number of heroes has a mechanical effect on the game but the number of actual players does not. It is just badly written. You should use the 5 player stats if one player is running 4 heroes.
BTW, the 3 player stats are actually identical to the 2 player stats because the game assumes that 1 hero player runs two heroes and two hero players run one hero each.

Thanks for the quick reply Corbon.

A few questions from this afternoon;'s session.

Q1. If a hero places an AIM order on himself, and doesn't use it, it stay with the Hero until te start of their next turn. If I play the "Dark Charm" card can I use the AIM order to attack another ero, essentially rerolling the result if I want too ?

Q2. Potions can be passed between players, as can weapons. Can armour be passed between players ?

Q3. When re-equipping is the hero allowed to re-equip more than one item (providing he has the movement points to do so), could he re-equip both weapon / armour and potions ?

Q4. Is there a limit to the amount of potions that can be consumed in a hero's turn ?

Q5. There seems to be mutiple ways of restoring fatigue points, but apart from Healing potions are there any additional ways to restore health?

Q6. Figure question. I prep the figures before painting them, and I've painted one of the Ogre's but the base as warped again. ANy suggestions as to sorting the base out without damaging the paint job ?

Fanx in advance !

mooks out

1. Dark Charm cannot force the hero to consume resources, such as spending fatigue, using orders, or exhausting cards. You only receive "free" bonuses to the attack. The hero retains control of defensive options (dodge order, shields, etc.).

You can force the hero to lose the Aim order by inflicting wounds on him, though.

2. Any item can be given to an adjacent hero for 1 movement point. Coins can't be traded, though.

3. A re-equip allows a hero to completely change all his equipment; if you choose to re-equip during your turn, those 2 movement points will let you change both hand slots, your armor, your other items, and all of your potions.

4. Yes. The limit on the number of potions a hero can drink per turn is one . (See FAQ.)

5. There are also some treasure cards that can heal, but potions are the main way. Apart from just getting your health refilled when you die, of course.

Cheers Anitstone.

One more.

Can Glyphs be used to transport yourself around a dungeon, if two or more are active?

mooks said:

Cheers Anitstone.

One more.

Can Glyphs be used to transport yourself around a dungeon, if two or more are active?

Ooo, I know this one! ^_^

You can enter one glyph and exit from a different one, but not on the same turn. So if you enter a glyph, you have to wait until your next turn to leave by a glyph.

mooks said:

Q1. If a hero places an AIM order on himself, and doesn't use it, it stay with the Hero until te start of their next turn. If I play the "Dark Charm" card can I use the AIM order to attack another ero, essentially rerolling the result if I want too ?

If you have the cards in hand, and the threat to pay for them, you can Dark Charm a hero, and then Aim the attack. You decide how the rolled surges are used, but if I understand correctly (and this is how my group does it) you can't use surges to activate abilities granted by skills, hero abilities, etc. Like Antistone said, if there are free surges,etc, you can use them (like Landrec's hero ability).

It's a zero ?!?

OMG funniest thing i read in a while

RhunDraco said:

mooks said:

Q1. If a hero places an AIM order on himself, and doesn't use it, it stay with the Hero until te start of their next turn. If I play the "Dark Charm" card can I use the AIM order to attack another ero, essentially rerolling the result if I want too ?

If you have the cards in hand, and the threat to pay for them, you can Dark Charm a hero, and then Aim the attack. You decide how the rolled surges are used, but if I understand correctly (and this is how my group does it) you can't use surges to activate abilities granted by skills, hero abilities, etc. Like Antistone said, if there are free surges,etc, you can use them (like Landrec's hero ability).

I believe you mean fatigue?

You certainly can use surges to do anything that surges to do anything that surges can do for that hero, but you can't use fatigue to activate anything.

Still doesn't look like a zero !!


i] Once I've "Monkey-God" ed a hero, can the monkey/hero (if its within his movement points) use a glyph to transport to town?

2] How long can a hero (and a monkey) stay in town ? Can he stay there until his monkey form has worn off (Start of his third turn). ?

3] Can the OL place an AIM card on a Melee attack ? Then if he rolled "zeros" (or "X") he would have missed ?

4] When the OL plays a DODGE or AIM card, are these cards subject to normal Dodge and Aim rules ? On the card it sayeth "...DODGES the attack" but doesn't mention re-rolling dice?

5] If a "monster" obscures a line of sight to "monsters" behind it, is it possible for the OL to spawn "monsters" behind ?

Example being a long corridor, two spaces wide. If a Bane Spider is in front of my hero can the OL spawn new creatures behind the Bane Spider as the hero has no line of sight to those spaces ?

6[ An open door still counts as an obstacle when the OL lays traps doesn't it ? An OL trap card that can't be placed next to an obstacle can't be placed in any square adjacent to the space where a door would close, though the door is open ? As I read it, no trap on the spaces where a door would close and no traps in any square adjacent to those squares.

Cheers in advance.

1) No, using a glyph is a movement action, which monkeys are not allowed to perform.

2) See 1) - no monkeys in town, ever.

3) Yes, he can. Only an "X" will make the attack a miss, "zeros" and any other range values are ignored for Melee attacks.

4) Normal Dodge rules appy, just like the hero order.

5) No, for purposes of spawning, monsters do not block line of sight.

6) Doors are not obstacles, neither opened nor closed. They do not interact with traps at all (except for door traps, of course), so a crushing block next to a door is perfectly legal.