They need to kill this "Winner chooses the roles" thing and quickly.
Players should just be allowed to choose their role and element. Why would you hamstring your player base creatively by allowing 1 person to choose how others have to play the game until its changed or more is added on? This basically guarantees that all mirror matches in the near future will be practically the same deck vs each other with little to no variation. As opposed to the excitement of perhaps jockeying for a different element or different strategies in general bred from the same clan running seeker or Keeper. Also if you're making clan specific seeker or keeper cards there's a good chance those cards will never see tournament play ever if a certain clan is constantly in 1 role. and a complete waste of space and money for the players in general as we wait patiently for when they can be played.
Adding more roles can alleviate some of the stymied creation factors. But if the goal is to just roll out more and more over time whats the point other than to impede players now?
Also if you won worlds with a sound strategy and there isn't much out there to persuade you otherwise, why even change? when the patriots win the Superbowl the coach doesn't go in the back and say: "Tom, heck of a season. But we're going with a different QB because my gut says it might work out."
We all want to have fun and more options IS FUN. Being saddled with a strategy we're forced to play on the whim of a person we'll never meet is not fun. Seriously Kill this idea before it does harm. This rule will chase away new players in a heart beat as it removes the very creative foundation card games are known for. No other card game does this and with good reason. Why would MAGIC tell its players they can't play a deck type because the guy who won worlds said so? Why would Pokemon say you can't run Pikachu because a guy who won said so? Heck, Old L5R didn't even to do this and they a made A LOT of dumb decisions that were player driven prizes. Kill this rule and give out an actual prize beyond trolling a player base.