Kill the Seeker and Keeper World prize

By Reins Vengard, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

4 minutes ago, L5RBr said:

I think the roles choice on gencon was unnecessary.

Cause with few options to splash and only 2 provinces for each element some roles seems far better than others, like Seeker of Air.

People could have used this time from release to Worlds to test the roles and see what fit better in any clan. It dont makes much sense anymore, if you dont have a lot of time you need to train using the gencon role, cause you need to know how play with it against each clan..

Now we saw the spoilers of seeker and keeper only cards, the question is not a problem anymore, there will be good options for any choice, and we will get new provinces soon too..

But unfortunately the gencon choices will certainly affect the worlds..

2 hours ago, Yogo Gohei said:

If Scorpion winds up with a Seeker role after worlds, I will be sad because I can't play Backhanded Compliment.

That sadness is not enough for me to want to burn the whole system to the ground. It is a great system, and creates direct player interaction on a level that goes beyond anything AEG ever did in their 20 years with the game.

I'd say that's the beauty of the system. Scorpion ended up Seeker and you can't play Backhanded Compliment. But then at Worlds 2018, Scorpion becomes a Keeper clan and suddenly Compliment becomes a valid choise. A card that hasn't seen an official tournament table in over a year may now be used and thus might chnage they way Scorpion gets played with and against. It keeps the game alive and interesting.

Yeh. That's ostensibly the whole concept.

And as different seeker/keeper only cards come out and new provinces of each element, the desire to be a certain role will change.

If you participate at a kotei you get a vote basically, don't you? Maybe the top ranked for each clan get to actually pick, but I think they're supposed to have some kind of system where by people playing the clan have voted on what they'd like. So there's some polling. Maybe I misread though.

We're not limited to choosing Seeker if we're already Keeper. Otherwise the choice couldn't be affected by Worlds. You can't use the same card, the explicit Verb/Element combo. You still have 9 valid choices...before any other clan chooses before you.

21 hours ago, Mirumoto Shiroiken said:

This is a game about samurai, which the Spider are not. Following orders is what we are supposed to do. Feel free to commit seppuku if you disagree :P

Commited seppuku, came back from the dead, stil don't get it. :D

One of the cool things about the Keeper and Seeker roles... you aren’t required to use them . In Organized Play events you have the option of using the Clan’s Keeper/Seeker Role, or not using one at all.

I, personally, think they are an interesting addition to the game. I’ll be curious to see if they add additional non-elemental roles. Possibly a Tainted/Corrupted Role Card or something similar. I’d prefer something like that over the re-introduction of the Shadowlands as a playable faction in the current format.


4 hours ago, PaleRider218 said:

One of the cool things about the Keeper and Seeker roles... you aren’t required to use them . In Organized Play events you have the option of using the Clan’s Keeper/Seeker Role, or not using one at all.

I, personally, think they are an interesting addition to the game. I’ll be curious to see if they add additional non-elemental roles. Possibly a Tainted/Corrupted Role Card or something similar. I’d prefer something like that over the re-introduction of the Shadowlands as a playable faction in the current format.


There's really no not to use the given role (as it only adds benefits).

I think the concern is someone wanted to use another role (which they cannot for organized play).

That said, I like the current system, and at least want to see where it goes over the coming year.

6 hours ago, Robin Graves said:

Commited seppuku, came back from the dead, stil don't get it. :D

Make sure someone cuts your head off as part of it... that should help. If not, keep trying ;)

11 hours ago, Robin Graves said:

Commited seppuku, came back from the dead, stil don't get it. :D

Hang on, there's this Ivory box I found somewhere, would you like to get at the heart inside it?

I really like that it is someone's choice. Because it means I'd like to get an make that choice.

I would of liked that rather than the same role can't be selected that the same element couldn't be selected. I can imagine someone trying to keep the same element every year because it suits the deck. The change of role and element while not huge do have an effect on your play style too. If you have to defend a specific ring to gain fate the opponent will need to over commit to it or not choose that ring. With it not being our choice it forces the meta to shift each year. Even if it's only slightly. Which to me is positive

If it's a problem to you, play in the events and be vocal within your clan.

If you don't want to play in the events, then it shouldn't be a problem for you because you can choose whatever you like. Pretty simple.

I like the Keeper/Seeker thing. I would like it if the roles changed more often. At least twice a year. Keep things fresh. Reduces the chance that there will be cards you can't play with for years.

It seems like the sort of thing which can and will be adjusted. Since winter court is a sort of finale, I imagine for the first year it won't change. But from there, who knows. If people who go out and compete in kotei want it to change, i'm sure they are open to change. It's driven by and for the competitive community. So to ignore them would be really odd wouldn't it?

2 hours ago, Daramere said:

I like the Keeper/Seeker thing. I would like it if the roles changed more often. At least twice a year. Keep things fresh. Reduces the chance that there will be cards you can't play with for years.

I could definitely get behind that. Just need a "venue" for the swap, but definitely sounds cool.

I was just wondering, in the situation that you sat across a player with the wrong role (whether they didn't know there was a restriction or a casual kitchen player who decided to strike it at a tournament), what would you or could you do? Would you report it to the judge and smile smugly at your free win or allow it to pass? It does affect deck building a very significant way that can't be overlooked admittedly.

I think it really depends on the level of play. If we're talking a Relaxed event, let them know but you're probably fine to shrug it off. It's meant to be super casual and open anyways. If it's a minor Formal event, maybe let them take a few minutes to correct their deck. Bigger formal events, go ahead and call a judge to rule on it (probably giving you a win). Premier events, no reason for it to happen, call a judge.

FWIW I would expect many organizers to require deck lists for events intended to be rather competitive. That way any issues with the deck can be addressed before rounds even begin. I don't have much experience though, so maybe that's not as reasonable an expectation as I think?

10 hours ago, Hordeoverseer said:

I was just wondering, in the situation that you sat across a player with the wrong role (whether they didn't know there was a restriction or a casual kitchen player who decided to strike it at a tournament), what would you or could you do? Would you report it to the judge and smile smugly at your free win or allow it to pass? It does affect deck building a very significant way that can't be overlooked admittedly.

The dilemma is you won't really know whether your opponent is a causal kitchen player or intentionally cheating. If I was 100% sure it is in fact an "amateur" and didn't know about keeper/seeker I guess I'd let it slide. Most likely it is Day 1 swiss rounds and I probably wouldn't mind ending the game. I would, of course tell him and then it is up to him to tell the organizaton and change his deck list, but I wouldn't enforce an automatic win. Day 2+, I don't think that could still happen.

So basically, yeah, I'm not that competitive to ruin a casual player's fun.

Edited by Yakamo no Oni

If it's an official event, then the player plays the correct role. If it's not an official event, they play whatever role they want.

in casual play (which includes store tourneys for the most part) you can play ANY role you want. In competitive play i think it's great as it will shake up certain decks from getting too stale and force people to try different approaches to deck building and how they play.

I personally like it. The more the card pool expands and the more differences ad impact will come from the role choices. That means entire meta can be shifted, and temporary changes in the card pool will take place on a regular basis, not only when rota will hit.

This keeps the game fresh and allows way more deck building options.

I just hope the number of keeper/seeker only cards available will be significant enough to have a real impact and not just a gimmick.

Let's face it. People playing LCGs / CCGs like deck building. If you don't you might have picked the wrong game.

27 minutes ago, Hellvlad said:

Let's face it. People playing LCGs / CCGs like deck building. If you don't you might have picked the wrong game.

Exactly. Sitting at my kitchen table, looking through all the cards, searching for powerful and/or unique combinations and finally putting it all together is already a lot of fun. The next step - pitting it against another deck - is excitement pure.

I like Smash Up or Sentinels of the Multiverse. Great card games, but without deck building I'm just missing something.

On 10/26/2017 at 9:54 PM, Mirumoto Shiroiken said:

This is a game about samurai, which the Spider are not. Following orders is what we are supposed to do. Feel free to commit seppuku if you disagree :P

I realize the context for L5R is a bit different than elsewhere, but still, can we not suggest that people kill themselves because they disagree with us online?

13 hours ago, Yakamo no Oni said:

Exactly. Sitting at my kitchen table, looking through all the cards, searching for powerful and/or unique combinations and finally putting it all together is already a lot of fun. The next step - pitting it against another deck - is excitement pure.

I like Smash Up or Sentinels of the Multiverse. Great card games, but without deck building I'm just missing something.

Not sure if you are trolling but just in case I'll give the benefit of the doubt.

Smash up and Sentinels of the Multiverse are not LCGs. And liking them does not disprove my point.

My point is if you go into an LCG/CCG you need to expect deck building. If this does not suit you, you'd be better picking another game. Like Smash up or Sentinels as you nicely mentioned.

So it makes little sense complaining about more deck building options in an LCG, when this is entirely part of the core concept of the game. You have to expect that.

6 minutes ago, Hellvlad said:

Not sure if you are trolling but just in case I'll give the benefit of the doubt.

Smash up and Sentinels of the Multiverse are not LCGs. And liking them does not disprove my point.

My point is if you go into an LCG/CCG you need to expect deck building. If this does not suit you, you'd be better picking another game. Like Smash up or Sentinels as you nicely mentioned.

So it makes little sense complaining about more deck building options in an LCG, when this is entirely part of the core concept of the game. You have to expect that.

I think he was agreeing with you, and you're reading it as if he was disagreeing with you.

2 hours ago, Vlad3theImpaler said:

I think he was agreeing with you, and you're reading it as if he was disagreeing with you.


2 hours ago, Hellvlad said:

Not sure if you are trolling but just in case I'll give the benefit of the doubt.

What Vlad said.