Disclaimer: Right now, I'm satisfied with how FFG is handling L5R fictions. They are dropping familiar names and I'm hopeful they will craft a unique and interesting timeline. That being said, I'm bringing back from the dead an idea I had a little while ago.
Call it nostalgia or misguided optimism, I miss some elements of the AEG way. When we look at the Organized Play events and prizes, only one tournament (World) holds a story choice. Long gone are the days of every Kotei having (arguably) impactful story prizes and I'm perfectly aware of the reasoning behind it. In fact, I agree with the logic and doesn't hold any grduges towards FFG for it. It is a good way of handling the story. Now, it doesn't stop us, as fans, to bring some of the glory of the old days back.
Broken Destinies is a fan-driven story project. I'm calling for amateur writers and story enthusiasts who wants to brainstorm ideas and write fictions, as well as contacting TOs for small and big tournaments around the globe and create a parralel story for L5R. The way I envision it, we could tell the stories of the little people. Those samurai have adventures far away from the spotlight, but with a life with just as much drama than the champions and glorious heroes.
I do not want to set anything in stone yet, because I want to see hom many people are interested in this. Send me a PM if you think you could contribute (with ideas, writing abilities, contacts with TOs, other artistic abilities, etc.), and we'll see the scope and shape we can give to the project.