21 minutes ago, kingargyle said:Hopefully he's learned because Wave 4 - present had him involved especially Waves 4 - 9, in X-Wing and that is when the balance went out the window.
I don’t want to derail this thread into a conversation about balance in X-Wing, but I have to say that, looking at long-running, expansive competitive miniature games, I personally think X-Wing is in a really healthy place, comparatively speaking. When games continue to grow in that way, power creep is pretty much inevitable, and still seeing ships from Wave 1 and Wave 2 in competitive lists, with arguably the broadest meta I can remember (and I’ve been playing competitively since Wave 5), it’s as good as we can reasonably expect.
In short, I trust FFG, and I trust Alex Davey. I’m going to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride they take us on!