T-47 scale

By devin.pike.1989, in Star Wars: Legion

I had heard these were 1:56, which would make it look small by a 1:48 model. Or am I wrong?

The scale doesn’t look way off to me.

The vehicles being a little smaller means we could potentially have more vehicles showing up on the game board.

What I’m more sad about is I can only field two “heavies”. I was hopping for no limitations on army building aside from points.

Luke and 3 T-47s at his back. Or Veers and 3 AT-STs.

The Essen pictures make it look like the snowspeeder is too small.

they look good to me.

On 10/27/2017 at 3:19 PM, Omegaclone said:

The scale doesn’t look way off to me.

The vehicles being a little smaller means we could potentially have more vehicles showing up on the game board.

What I’m more sad about is I can only field two “heavies”. I was hopping for no limitations on army building aside from points.

Luke and 3 T-47s at his back. Or Veers and 3 AT-STs.

done for game balance. FFG is pretty good at what they do

On 10/28/2017 at 9:19 AM, Omegaclone said:

The scale doesn’t look way off to me.

The vehicles being a little smaller means we could potentially have more vehicles showing up on the game board.

What I’m more sad about is I can only field two “heavies”. I was hopping for no limitations on army building aside from points.

Luke and 3 T-47s at his back. Or Veers and 3 AT-STs.

3x at rt is doable, with rotary cannons and that crit surge they will hit like a truck.

Then ofc i fully expect cinematic scale rules down the track so the "i want to do hoth" crowd are happy.

5.3 meters is about 17 feet for us standard system folk. That's about the size of most personally owned motorboats, or only a few feet longer than a pickup truck. The scale looks right to me.

Also, as others have said, the specifics of scale in star wars have never been consistent. Only LFL really officially knows what the exact size is supposed to be today. I've seen X wing designer Jay Little at conventions and apparently with X wing, determining the size if TIE Fighters and X wings was a conversation. They had to*decide* what the correct size was, because there were 25 years of conflicting sources, and it was not what the Wookieepedia said. I'd expect similar things happened with Legion.

In short, unless someone reading this forum works in the design departments of LFL, none of us really, officially, and definitively knows what size things are supposed to be.

Looks pretty close to me :-) So good in fact that I plan to play Empire but will be getting one of these just because it's sexy.

Edited by Engine25

you cant compare the speeder to a stormtrooper and say they wouldnt fit. a stormtrooper has armor so you have to imagine a human with a tight flight jacket and a small helmet

22 hours ago, Ralgon said:

3x at rt is doable, with rotary cannons and that crit surge they will hit like a truck.

Then ofc i fully expect cinematic scale rules down the track so the "i want to do hoth" crowd are happy.

Luke and three walkers, nice!!!

Cinematic scale would be awesome!!!

On 10/26/2017 at 1:37 PM, devin.pike.1989 said:

I actually don't think that a full scale AT-AT is out of the realm of possibility.

I didn't think they'd do a scale Rancor in IA, either, but they did! And it was awesome.

As with WH40K flying units doesn't really make sense in this scale. Again. Why not 15mm or perhaps 20mm instead of this oversized crap scale that works best for warband skirmish (Necromunda, SoBH etc).

3 minutes ago, GilmoreDK said:

As with WH40K flying units doesn't really make sense in this scale. Again. Why not 15mm or perhaps 20mm instead of this oversized crap scale that works best for warband skirmish (Necromunda, SoBH etc).

I agree with you on that high speed flyers don't makes sense at this scale. But I disagre with the 15/20mm scale, the current scale is best IMO (maybe a bit less but never less than 28mm), allows for more detail in the minis and more inmersion in the battles, it will also make the named characters stand out.

And this minis will indeed allow for skirmish/campaing style rulesets, fan made and maybe even oficial ones (if FFG is smart and wants to milk the thing properly). I'm sure I'll be trying to do one of those if no one comes up with one I like. This scale is perfect for a Inq28/Inquisimunda set in the SW universe... I'm drooling all over!

1 minute ago, Andreu said:

I agree with you on that high speed flyers don't makes sense at this scale. But I disagre with the 15/20mm scale, the current scale is best IMO (maybe a bit less but never less than 28mm), allows for more detail in the minis and more inmersion in the battles, it will also make the named characters stand out.

And this minis will indeed allow for skirmish/campaing style rulesets, fan made and maybe even oficial ones (if FFG is smart and wants to milk the thing properly). I'm sure I'll be trying to do one of those if no one comes up with one I like. This scale is perfect for a Inq28/Inquisimunda set in the SW universe... I'm drooling all over!

I agree with the named characters perspective, but i also like to have some distance and movement in non-melee based miniatures games. I really love a game like Chain of Command with 15mm minis as it gives room for positioning and maneuver before engaging and not just a boring boxing match like 40K games. Also 15mm (or even 20mm or 25mm like LoTR) would have allowed for better including flyers, AT-ATs, fortifications while still retaining the squad and hero based combat (It would also have stopped people from being mad at FFG for introducing a similar but non-compatible scale to IA). For me it is a huge missed opportunity to go with 34mm and a definite pass from here.

Here is some reference.

hoth hangar.jpg

The scale looks good to me




Flying vehicles in tabletop games are usually scaled smaller than infantry for several reasons - to represent it being above the action, to cut down on the amount of space it takes up and to cut down on cost. If you get your knickers in a twist over every permutation of scale in wargaming, you're only going to cause yourself grief.

I also read a lot of people commenting about how quickly a flyer would overshoot the playing area in reality. Number one, it's a game. Number two, it's a game. Number three, think about how long a period of time a skirmish game actually represents - you might be taking 1-2 hours to play through a fight that would really last 15-20 minutes. Number four, it's a game.

I don't think people are getting upset about scale. Everyone is just pointing out that these actually do appear to be full scale based on reference images. Also scale IS an issue for people who enjoy the hobby side of the game more than the game side.

7 hours ago, devin.pike.1989 said:

I don't think people are getting upset about scale. Everyone is just pointing out that these actually do appear to be full scale based on reference images. Also scale IS an issue for people who enjoy the hobby side of the game more than the game side.

Totally agree. Its clear they are in perfect scale, which I am soooo glad about. Scale may not matter to some, but its a HUGE part of the game for me.

stormies will enjoy leading fires to take them down...

Ima just going to leave this here..... from the spanish ffg website

People who care about scale will wait and see of they are going to buy into this game or not. I personally do care about scale and if the support models do come out a little small as it has been so elegantly put, then I'm not spending any money on it.

It has been settled. Go check out the thread reply Ralgon posted above your comment.

On 10/29/2017 at 10:50 PM, Anatak12 said:

done for game balance. FFG is pretty good at what they do

Sorry I lost it here.... after seeing what happened in Imperial Assault... and X-Wing since Wave 4 to the present. Game balance is one thing they have to constantly correct for with FAQs and errattas.

1 hour ago, kingargyle said:

Sorry I lost it here.... after seeing what happened in Imperial Assault... and X-Wing since Wave 4 to the present. Game balance is one thing they have to constantly correct for with FAQs and errattas.

Armada is more balanced thanks to the rules we have. Alex Davvy was a part of that process, and I think he will do an excellent job with Legion.

The current issues with Armada is the lack of FAQs, not for game balance, but more for clarifications on card interactions.

1 hour ago, Undeadguy said:

Armada is more balanced thanks to the rules we have. Alex Davvy was a part of that process, and I think he will do an excellent job with Legion.

The current issues with Armada is the lack of FAQs, not for game balance, but more for clarifications on card interactions.

Hopefully he's learned because Wave 4 - present had him involved especially Waves 4 - 9, in X-Wing and that is when the balance went out the window.