As a forenote: when I wrote this up I hadn't actually been to the forums so I wasn't aware that there was no place for general feedback. The content here is a bit too diverse to fit any of the sub boards. I still wanted to post it and it does contain a very brief summary of a play through of 'A Ronin's Path'. If it's too off topic I'd just request that it be moved to someplace where it's on topic.
I figured I should write this as I have been playing and this is a beta however I must admit as I write this I have no idea what kind of feedback you’d actually take and what would be useful. A lot of the things I’d be inclined to criticize are things I suspect you consider fundamental or a part of the philosophy however in actually playing the game I found them to be either problematic or game breaking. I figure though, that I might as well describe my feelings after having played with the system a bit and then describe my issues with it and see how useful my feedback will be. I’ll focus on the most basic mechanics as a truly detailed examination of all my issues would probably be far more effort than would actually be useful.
As a note: I am always the GM in our group.
A summary of what we’ve done with the beta rules:
—I ran a single player with one PC through the module given at the back of the rule book. With some judicious interpretation of rules, we were able to get all the way to the battle where we soon discovered that if we didn’t want the battle to be mostly NPC leaders bashing each other, it would be completely impossible for either side to accomplish it’s strategic objectives using the rules in the book. After puzzling over it, I came to the conclusion that aside from how the battle was supposed to modify the skirmish that happens after, it’s actually completely inconsequential. So we skipped it and went strait to the skirmish against a single skeletal warrior (which the PC barely survived as he wasn’t much of a duelist). At this point we moved to the fight with the omni, who promptly flattened the crab commander and began the ritual with only the single nearly dead PC to do anything about it (mostly because there’s nothing in the module that says that anyone else is nearby, I don’t see why there wouldn’t be but I didn’t feel like looking up more NPC stats at that point in the night.) Oddly enough, as it looked like according the rules like the omni would simply channel it’s ritual for the required however many rounds without responding to the PC. Due to this he did actually almost succeed single handedly in bashing the omni incapacitated with just his staff (higher damage than his sword). However eventually the burning blood brought him down, the omni blew up the tower and the PC and everyone else relevant was killed. It was rather clear that the module hadn’t really been designed for a solo PC which seemed odd to me as the system seemed oriented more towards heavy roleplaying which in my experience works better with fewer players (fewer dramas competing with each other for playtime) as opposed to being teamwork oriented which tends to encourage a larger party.
—Even before I tried running that module, I was pretty certain that this game was meant to be played in a campaign designed around the specific PCs the players want to play. I had some ideas for a dramatic scenario, had a pair of players design a couple characters and then modified my idea to specifically fit them in. Quite consciously, when I created this scenario I also decided to play without much of the rules in the rulebook (I’ll explain why later). The things kept, were the rules for tests (including modified rules for strife/outbursts and options), character creation (including social stats and advantages/disadvantages), school ranks, character advancement, and the most basic combat systems. Almost everything else was dropped or heavily modified. We’ve played three sessions of this campaign thus far and have been having a good time with it but we still frequently find ourselves running into situations that the system does not gracefully resolve.
A point I’d like to emphasize before I get further into my critique is that we have been enjoying much of the things we have taken from this game. I found it worthwhile to write up this much because we’ve been enjoying it enough that I can’t deny the potential here. However for us, much of this potential has been realized
What I look for in an RPG:
—In general I have two priorities from an RPG system. The first is that it doesn’t get in the way of playing it and the second is that it provides inspiration for the fun. Obviously we don’t need a game system to role play, however game systems provide us both with inspiration on what to role-play and systems allow us to resolve the results of our characters attempts to do things without being guaranteed the desired result. The ability to simulate how things happen with random chance actually helps the players not get in the way of playing it.
—A third point which gives systems value, is that it creates consistency between playgroups. If I were to join any group of people playing Pathfinder or Exalted, I would mostly know exactly how everything would work and I’d just have to adjust to the specific house rules and campaign in progress. This isn’t exactly something I’d look for in a system itself but it’s part of the reason I’d rather give feedback on a system I’m trying rather than just being content to play an extremely house-ruled modification of a system.
—The system you present strikes me as being rather strong in the second area I mentioned. It is clearly designed with systems and mechanics to flesh out the roleplaying experience it’s designed to be built for. However we’ve found that constantly, I’ve found that it fails hard at the first area and that it’s a bear to actually play as written.
—In general, the indication of the competence of a system in the first area, is how often do you have to look in the rules to look things up and as a second corollary, how often you want to look up a rule that isn’t there. The first will happen when the system is too complex or unintuitive the corollary happens when the system is inflexible.
—As a side note: I suspect that if you have players with a munchkin instinct, they’d find this game rather unsatisfying. This isn’t necessarily a problem, but it’s part of the reason why the current group is only two rather than three.
General Feelings about this system:
—The link between the mechanics in this game and the setting is amazing. About the only other setting I can think of where transferring over the mechanics in even basic form would make sense was if you were to try to make a MtG system. This is the only reason I was willing to even give this a shot after reading the rulebook.
—Despite the fact that, as the rulebook describes, this is a system designed to create “samurai drama’s”, it is a system that I could never take too seriously. The fact that it treats itself so deadly seriously is part of what makes it amusing but if you did ever try to take this system overly seriously, the mechanics of the system would make the otherwise fairly believable (within the context of fantasy) world a place full of bizarre almost human caricatures. These are mechanics that encourage you to role-play but if you take them as actual rules, every character will behave in such an unnatural way that would break all suspension of disbelief. It’s alright to take the drama of the events seriously but the system that leads the characters to react to it -must- be taken somewhat tongue in cheek which, in our group at least, gives the general atmosphere a somewhat light hearted tone regardless of how serious the actual events of the scene.
—This system seems to place a huge emphasis on abstraction over simulation. This lends itself to the actual resolution of any scene seeming stilted and unnatural and was especially bad during the premade module in the back. Much of the reason why I dropped almost all the rules in the book and used my own were to re-add in elements of simulation over abstraction so that I could resolve scenes in a way that actually made sense. Oddly, despite the huge emphasis on abstraction as opposed to having detailed rules for simulation, I still found that there were far more rules, tables, and details that I needed to look up for this system than I have in any system I’ve tried in a long time. Of course, a lot of these things aren’t as complicated as they appear at first glance but there’s still a marvelous amount of abstracted rules details that can be tricky to remember and don’t always make sense in the context. [An example of it appearing more complicated than it actually is, when I first read the rulebook, it seemed like every different type of conflict scene had it’s own rules for what your assessment check informed you but a closer examination of them will show you that they’re pretty much identical it’s just that each of them has it’s own chart for some reason. It makes it look like there’s far more to remember than is actually the case]
—To reiterate the last point concisely: The system felt built to abstract rather than to simulate, but then it provides you with an immense amount of rules and details to simulate it’s abstraction despite the fact that the abstraction never made sense in the first place.
Issues from the most basic systems in the game:
Target Numbers
—This is a minor issue but it’s an interesting case of actual player psychology vs the rulebook. You have a rulebook that asserts several things that work in direct contradiction to everything I’ve experienced with role-players and make little sense thematically.
—The rules state except in special circumstances, the players should be told what target number they’re aiming for. By itself, this is a principle that would sit poorly with me as generally, a character won’t know how challenging to expect a task to be. This seems really odd to me, why would characters know how difficult a task will be? Particularly when interacting with another character. Why would they know how difficult it is to convince someone of something when they know little of that character’s complicated motives. Even if they can assess the situation and find out that characters immediate motive? How should they know how hard it is to find something when they don’t know exactly what they’re looking for. This overall mindset carries over into the actions. It doesn’t matter how skilled a duelist your opponent happens to be, it’s a TN 2 attack to hit them (unless they happen to be in Air Stance or be using some kind of technique), to extinguish a fire with an incantation? It doesn’t matter if it’s a candle or a castle burning down, it’s a TN 3 theology check. The difficulty of many actions is not fixed, not predictable, and is cheapened by being made so.
—I further have an issue with the assertion explicitly stated in the rules that telling the players what their TN is gives them a more interesting set of choices (presumably about how much strife they’re willing to take). With my players (and I am VERY sure that this is not exceptional), if they can succeed they will. Usually even if they’d suffer and outburst they’ll always choose to succeed anyway. If they can’t succeed, then they’ll not keep any dice that gives them strife. It really is that basic every roll. The only time that knowing the TN makes the decision even remotely interesting is if it will immediately result in an outburst at a time when the player doesn’t want to outburst (a qualification I’ll discuss in the next section). By contrast, when you don’t know exactly how difficult it would be to succeed, then you start really measuring how much you want to succeed and how wildly you want to succeed vs how much you are willing to pay.
—**As a note, in the next section I describe that the PC was outbursting constantly and you can if you wish directly relate that to their attitude towards passing tests but I’m going to point out, that even if they outburst constantly, they’d still rather succeed than not. Aside, outbursting is supposed to be part of the fun (though again see the next section). If you don’t succeed at your tasks, generally speaking either nothing happens (boring!) or things approximately as bad as outbursting happen anyway (and it’s never going to be funner to just let bad things happen to you than to cause them yourself, aside as you get to choose your outburst, you can probably choose one which doesn’t cripple your agenda too bad unless it is fun to do so).
—Everything is stressful. No matter what kind of test you’re making, if you care about succeeding at it (and why would you be making a test if you weren’t trying to succeed at something), you will be accumulating strife for it. During the run through the module at the end of the rulebook, the PC suffered constant outbursts (his default was shut down), but many of them happened when there was absolutely no one around to witness the outburst nor any reason why he should be getting so worked up about anything. Memorable instances occurred when he suffered a desire to withdraw from… nobody, while inspecting a door to discover something that he already knew from talking to someone else (that the door had been thrown open rather hard). Later in the same investigation, he was stressed into withdrawing from the person who cremated the body after getting him to tell him another thing he already knew from examining the blood splatters (the location and type of wounds on the body) and finally he was again stressed into solemn lonely silence at the horror of having discovered the footsteps of his quarry heading toward the wall (which you’d think would be elating considering how long ago this murder apparently left the place). Later on I think he also suffered another outburst in the middle of doing repairs on the wall and neither of us could think of any reason why his default outburst would have any effect on the proceeding whatsoever. Apparently if a Samurai does anything, he must do so with either such fiery passion of soul that it causes him to stress out or be completely ineffective.
—**The rules state that outbursts should have narrative and gameplay consequences. In abstract that can be done (for instance loss of glory even if there’s no one around to witness it) but it doesn’t always make sense. In theory a better option would be to have the player choose an outburst that would have some consequence (like running around until they find someone to rant at) however the players get to choose their outburst and in general players won’t go out of their way to make an outburst that will hurt their character or their odds of succeeding at what they’re doing particularly if such an outburst feels out of character and also like a nuisance getting in the way of doing what they were trying to do anyway.
—The strife system doesn’t seem to be designed with the consideration of handling multiple outbursts per scene nor strife reduction in mind. All the outbursts reduce your strife to 50% at the end of the scene in which you outburst, however you check for an outburst at the start of each round. This means that in theory if the round doesn’t end immediately after the outburst a PC should be suffering an outburst every round until they can do something which reduces their stress. In a narrative scene, this would in theory mean an outburst after every check you make until the next ‘scene’ technically starts. Now we didn’t actually play this way as it seemed ridicules (as in, his character would have spent almost the entire investigation in a state of withdrawn stupor). We instead played your stress went to 50% after each outburst and you can outburst multiple times. This works fine for narrative scenes, but then you get to scenes like duels. In a duel your opponent gets a killing blow the first time you outburst. That’s all well and fine but after that there’s no penalty for accumulating strife and many outbursts no longer sense. This is made even more ridicules by the fact that in a duel you can bid strife to go first. If you go with the idea that your strife resets after an outburst that means you could in theory bid a googolplex worth of stress to go first and beyond your outburst (which a player could reasonably say [if it fits their character] that during a duel is ‘become enraged’ and not suffer any other negative consequences (though when I was discussing this with the player, I made a rule that if you ever reach twice your composure level of strife you die of a heart attack). This isn’t to say that you can’t have it be incredibly deliberating if you choose it to be (this actually happened to the PC I ran through the module as he would shut down and thus would only be able to attack every other round but playing the style he was, his character was so difficult to hit [he was always either centering or striking as air] that it mostly made the duel a very long affair which he eventually lost but not before outbursting at least a half dozen times as he bobbed above and below his composure rating regularly).
—**(As a side note: ‘killing blow’ is a bit extreme a title for a single guaranteed critical at your weapons deadlines when a Katana only has enough deadlines for a minor injury most of the time).
—Outbursts as a whole, have the issue that they are a fun mechanic in some situations but in others they simply get in the way and serve no real point. For role playing, they can (if they come up at the right time) be awfully fun and as they are a codified mechanic they can be just what you need to be pushed out of your comfortable easy roleplaying mode into a more exciting style or moment. The problem is that when the current situation is being approached as a challenge to be dealt with, they mostly just get in the way. It can be ok to have your problem solving skills be stymied by your characters human weaknesses but a lot of the time, what the mechanics deliver on that front don’t always feel appropriate or contribute to the experience.
—I actually love this idea, however the implementation of it in this game is more than a little bit messy. All the issues I have with the system all actually stem back to the same basic problem but for very different reasons depending on the situation. Basically, it’s impossible of players to be informed on how they can spend them.
—Some options, exist in the module or should exist based on the situation I am aware of but the players aren’t. A good instance of this is the sword polishing kit during the investigation in the module. If I tell the players that they can spend water ‘ops’ to find something. They will search around until they find it and will use their water ring even if otherwise they might not. On the other hand, if they did happen to just use a water ring and roll an option, how would they know to spend it on finding something. How would they know to -not- spend it on something else? Basically, when in this situation as the GM I have to basically tell them when they are in that situation that there is a special option available and a player in that position will not let a ‘special option’ get away but there’s nothing in the rules that even indicates that I should do that. I don’t need rules to tell me to use my common sense but I also don’t want to constantly having to be inventing new rules a systems to deal with basic issues when I’m trying to run a game.
—The other major problem, is that there are actually options listed everywhere for everything. There’s the generic ‘you can always spend your options for this’ found near the start of the book but there are also different ring options for every skill category, many actions, and most techniques. There are too many of these to easily represent for close reference without printing out and sorting through tables. Most players can probably remember the ones on their techniques (there’s also a place to write these down), and most veteran players can probably get to know the ones that are universal to any check with each ring but even if you wrote the book, could you tell me without looking what are all of the ways I can always spend my options if I am making an Earth (Recall [from the scholastic skills]) Seafaring check to remember when low tide is? **As a technical note, if you’re using a scholastic approach to a trade/labor skill do you get the options from the scholastics or the trade/labor skill group?
—The players being encouraged to come up with creative uses for options has also led to situations where the game comes to a long halt where a player pauses to come up with something and then ends up not doing so.
Combat in General
—I could go into a lot more detail here than I have but I suspect it’d end up an unfocused ramble so I’ll try to keep it brief. Basically, at no point am I bothered more by being asked to use a intricate set of rules to simulate an abstraction that doesn’t actually make sense than with the combat scenes. This is actually less of a problem than strife, tests, and options, as it’s actually easier to fix all of this while still remaining within your framework. However just to illustrate some points I’m going to throw a couple loopy examples at you.
—**In battle, the obviously best practical way to work the system is to designate every single member of the army a leader of a cohort that consists of himself. After all, cohorts don’t actually have any size or strength, each one is merely an entity within an army that can act and be targeted but all the casualties are dealt to an army itself and it’s capabilities determined by it’s type and leader. An army with 300 leaders can make 300 assaults per round at the command skill of the individual leader and each of those assaults will inflict casualties at the same rate per success as if you’d only had a few leaders (though obviously characters with higher command skills and rings are more likely to succeed but there is no cost of failing an assault other than the fact that you didn’t do anything with your turn which is a lot easier to deal with if you have 300 turns to throw at the task instead of 1 per PC.
—**By similar mechanical design, if both sides have a single leader, regardless of the size and aggressive power of the armies involved it’s unlikely that either side would be able to inflict enough casualties to successfully ‘grind the enemy down’ or other similar objectives.
—**Range bands in skirmish, as written in the rulebook are a different kind of mess mess. Now this one is easy to fix by modeling the skirmish as a 2-d space on a scale but if you go as written and you assume that every entity on the field has a range band to every other character on the field, you either have to start working trig regularly or assume that when a character moves on one or more ranged bands, that his relationship to the other characters does not change even though this creates a spatial paradox. This means that if you’re range 1 from a friend, and range 4 from an enemy, you can do a normal move to close to within spear range of that enemy but you’ll still within sword range of the friend who is at bow range of the enemy. (though even if you do model it as a 2-d space, you still get to where if you started at bows distance from an enemy and within touching range of the friend, you can end up at spear range from both of them)
—Obviously, you can’t make rules for everything anyone would want to do in combat but here there’s a lot of basic things I haven’t seen rules for even though you’d think this setting would have them. For instance, they have a Daisho but unless it’s hidden somewhere in techniques I don’t actually see any rules for using two weapons at once) or flanking specific enemies in skirmish.
—**To make a point on the last one I’m going to relate something that could well happen for that ‘flanking’ example.
GM: To try to flank make a TN 2 tactics check in your stances ring, then if you succeed you may make an attack at TN -1
Player: If I fail the tactics check, do I still get to swing at them?
GM: I don’t see why not, you merely failed to flank them you’re still coming at them either way’
Player: Then why wouldn’t I just always try to flank them every attack? That’s going to double the combat rolls for each turn if we do that.
GM: Well, normally the cost is you have to get around to the other side of your opponent which isn’t always a safe endeavor.
Player: Well if both me and my mate are at sword range of my opponent, can’t I just move 2 and be at range 1 of my opponent from the other direction?
GM: …Sure… Actually we’ll just make that tactics check to be a ‘can I move through my enemy without dying horribly’ check and skip it for all future rounds while you’re on the opposite side and just say the TN for hitting becomes 1. That’ll be your entire action. Just know that it might not work if you try it at a convention.
—None of these issues are beyond my ability to adapt into something usable for the situation my players are in (I’m fairly certain there’s a reason why for all categories of conflict your listed action options are all described as ‘examples’) however I’d really rather not have to. Even if the system I come up with is ultimately one that suits me better than however you improve your system, it still voids a lot of the point of using an RPG system.
In some ways I’d say that I quite enjoy your game except that the game I’m playing only resembles the game described in the rules. I am not sure how much of this is that the game is in beta, how much of it that the game is only meant to be taken as a very loose guideline, and how much of it genuinely is meant to be played the way that it’s written. My hope is that a lot of it that it’s beta. If it’s more the second, that seems to put a lot more work on the GM than is necessary and make it hard to play the game with other groups. If it’s more the third, then I will say that I suspect you have an extremely niche title here, which is a pity because I feel that there’s a lot here that would appeal to more than the most hardcore of drama queen role-players but I suspect that other types will be turned off by some of the other issues.
—My group is enjoying being involved in a tense mystery and legal drama with their haunted and superstitious Phoenix shugeneja and impatient Unicorn bushi but their enjoyment is coming more from the setting and roleplaying than the mechanics by which most sense are resolved. It is worth noting that the player currently playing the Unicorn bushi normally prefers high action role playing games but he’s been having a lot of fun with this one despite the fact that the sum of combat that’s happened over 3 sessions is a single duel (which he wasn’t directly involved in) and a series of two skirmishes in close succession. He was also the player who played through the module at the back though his reaction to the module was middling at best (of course, when playing through the module I was still trying to mostly stick to the rules as they were written in the book).
Very Minor Nitpicks
—A number of the school abilities can be used once per scene and decrease the TN of a specific type of check by school rank. For low levels, this is decent, however I’m wondering how useful it’ll be at higher school ranks. Once you’re school rank 4 or so, you can reduce pretty much any reasonable checks to TN 0 and there’s not really no distinction between that and rank 5 aside from the fact that your odds of pulling off truly ridicules results becomes slightly better. It’d be more practical if you were able to split this bonus between different checks.
—Lady Shinjo’s Outrider school has as part of it’s curriculum for Rank 1, Pelting Hail Style, a kata which cannot be learned until you’re at school rank 2.
—I really don’t like ‘scenes’ as a measure of time. A lot of effects can be done once per scene but the duration of a scene is anywhere between half a minute and several weeks [for downtime scenes]. It’s another one of the games mechanics that creates dissonance between the narrative and the results. Oddly enough, this is still one mechanic I’ve kept using even though it’s an easy one to replace and although I don’t actually organize my session into scenes directly. I guess mostly because I don’t want to figure out how much time ‘once per scene’ is supposed to actually represent. How long is it appropriate until another ‘Path to Inner Peace’ invocation can be cast again? I have no idea.
—Path to inner Peace doesn’t sound like a water invocation that heals wounds, it sounds like it should be a void invocation that heals strife. I have no problem with there being a water invocation that heals wounds but I feel it should be named something different.
—Why is the ‘extinguish’ invocation so difficult to cast? I guess probably because it never specifies how big a fire it can put out. I feel the TN for that kind of thing ought to be relative to the size of the fire one is trying to put out but as it is, unless the world is burning down around you, it’ll almost never be worth the strife it’ll cost to get the successes to cast that spell (or at least, not worth the strife using the model for outbursts that I’ve been playing with).
—I know I’m not remembering all the nitpicks I’ve found. If this feedback is well received I may take the time to go looking for more of the ones I’ve forgotten.