Glyphs and giving weapon (or potion) to adjacent heros...

By Slayer6022, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I have a couple of questions regarding activation and use of glyphs as well as one about giving a weapon (or potion) to an adjacent hero:

1) When activating a Glyph does a Hero have to step onto the Glyph and then again off the Glyph (i.e. move through) before it is activated or can simply they step onto the Glyph for 1MP and then activate the Glpyh without using another MP to step off?

2) I just finished playing a game where the Heros would come from town using a Glyph and attack and then on the same turn use the Glyph again to run away so that the Overload could not get an attack in - I just reread the rules about the Glyph and this sounds like it is not allowed - do I understand the rules correctly?

3) When giving a weapon (or potion) to an adjacent Hero can the other Hero give a weapon (or potion) back in return, i.e. can they trade items, for example to avoid having to drop an item in order to recieve the new item?


Slayer6022 said:

I have a couple of questions regarding activation and use of glyphs as well as one about giving a weapon (or potion) to an adjacent hero:

1) When activating a Glyph does a Hero have to step onto the Glyph and then again off the Glyph (i.e. move through) before it is activated or can simply they step onto the Glyph for 1MP and then activate the Glpyh without using another MP to step off?

2) I just finished playing a game where the Heros would come from town using a Glyph and attack and then on the same turn use the Glyph again to run away so that the Overload could not get an attack in - I just reread the rules about the Glyph and this sounds like it is not allowed - do I understand the rules correctly?

3) When giving a weapon (or potion) to an adjacent Hero can the other Hero give a weapon (or potion) back in return, i.e. can they trade items, for example to avoid having to an item in order to recieve the new item?


1) The hero just has to step onto the Glyph and it is activated (and useable) right away (except for RTL). Exception: the Runewitch, which activates Runes while 6 squares away. (Rulebook, page 17 left column)

2) This is illegal movement. A Hero can use a Glyph only once per turn. (Rulebook, page 17 left column)

3) No. Only the active Hero can give Items away (1MP / Item). The receiving Hero cannot trade items in return.

Anselmus said:

2) This is illegal movement. A Hero can use a Glyph only once per turn. (Rulebook, page 17 left column)

More specifically, a hero can only travel one way through the glyph network during his turn, so even if there were two glyphs close enough to run out one and into the other, this would still be illegal.

+1 on everything else Slayer said.