How have you customized your yt-1300

By Norr-Saba, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Somewhere off tinternet I downloaded the deck plans for a YT-1300. it's the one with 4 configurations on one sheet of A4:


After we all decided, it was a case of cutting stuff out and gluing/sketching in all the jigsaw pieces on a 'base' deck plan. We compromised, took the courier deck plan and came up with a 'freightier', as we WANTED the same cockpit place as the Falcon (Have you heard of the Millennium Falcon?) which gave us space for both fee paying passengers and more areas for shifting freight, ripping out one section of bunks for freight - therefore opening up more possibilities for 'adventure' - without digging it out I think we took the top left deck plan and glued on/sketched in 2 sections of bunks on the same side as the cockpit.. Or we used the Passenger plan and ripped out the lower left bunks for freight space. It's been a while, we're onto D&D 5e at the mo.

Edited by ExpandingUniverse
11 hours ago, korjik said:

Personally, I think there is a little too much in Sil 5. If the YZ series are sil 5 then a Marauder should be sil 6 or if a Marauder is sil 5 then the YZs should be sil 4.

My preferred definitions would be that Sil 3 is fighters, Sil 4 is bigger than a fighter but too small for a turbolaser, Sil 5 is big enough for a turbolaser but too small for a squadron of fighters, and sil 6 is big enough for pretty much anything.

32 minutes ago, Norr-Saba said:

I like this, I’m going to use these distinctions I think

The silhouette ranges were intended to cover a wide range of ship sizes. If you think Silhouette 5 has a broad range, look at silhouette 6. Its range of ship lengths is much broader. And Silhouette 7 is broader still. Each silhouette has a a broader range of ship lengths than the one before it.

10 minutes ago, ExpandingUniverse said:

Somewhere off tinternet I downloaded the deck plans for a YT-1300. it's the one with 4 configurations on one sheet of A4:


After we all decided, it was a case of cutting stuff out and gluing/sketching in all the jigsaw pieces on a 'base' deck plan. We compromised, took the courier deck plan and came up with a 'freightier', as we WANTED the same cockpit place as the Falcon (Have you heard of the Millennium Falcon?) which gave us space for both fee paying passengers and more areas for shifting freight, ripping out one section of bunks for freight - therefore opening up more possibilities for 'adventure' - without digging it out I think we took the top left deck plan and glued on/sketched in 2 sections of bunks on the same side as the cockpit.. Or we used the Passenger plan and ripped out the lower left bunks for freight space. It's been a while, we're onto D&D 5e at the mo.

a lot of these different configurations are actually in the game as various yt models. You can get a YT1200 owners manual that shows them and has the model number.

After the THIRD reboot of the campaign.... (don't ask) the GM threw in a HWK-1000. We decided it was one deck, with all different sections separated with blast doors, very cramped.. from bow to stern: Cockpit (like doh!), crew hub with dorsal access, bunk & crew storage section, freight with side access loading door, access to engines. This one had no options for long haul passengers but we offered 6-10 hour hyperspace transportation

Edited by ExpandingUniverse
1 hour ago, Norr-Saba said:

Love this, the narative value is so good here

I didn't even get into the crew's shtick! Between Ion/Whisperthrust engine mods, a pseudocloaking device, nightpaint-whatchamacallit, and souped-up shields, there was exactly one hardpoint left after our mechanic had gotten the talent that gave his signature vehicle two extra ones. We used this to get the cargo chute for jettisoning our storage in an emergency.

What we would do for smuggling is run a blockade, sometimes literally and at a speed the game designers didn't even make a movement summary for, slam our ship still at a prearranged "landing" point with that ability that grinds movement in a vehicle to an instant standstill, drop everything of value, and immediately jump back up to full speed to go somewhere else on the planet and dump a decoy cargo if we were beinng followed. It was **** on our ship's engines, an embarrassment to Imperial Captains, and a godsend to anyone dumb enough to openly rebel against the Empire. Or drug dealers, we worked for a lot of drug dealers.

I've tricked out mine to be a night club. The cargo area has been completely refitted into a dancefloor, and the "discreet compartments" are there for...*cough* discreet time from patrons.

I've replaced the turret blisters with disco lights that spin and flash and make for a great visual display. I've also made the external hull material transparent, so patrons can imbibe whatever mood altering drugs they want, and then trip out at the light show. Going through hyperspace is especially enjoyable, though it does have the downside of increasing the chance of vomiting for some patrons.

Our DJ is an astromech, and we retrofitted some of the universal plugs to be mixing boards that he plugs into, and spins back and forth as needed.

3 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

The silhouette ranges were intended to cover a wide range of ship sizes. If you think Silhouette 5 has a broad range, look at silhouette 6. Its range of ship lengths is much broader. And Silhouette 7 is broader still. Each silhouette has a a broader range of ship lengths than the one before it.

The size differences are alot less important when you get above Sil 5. It hardly matters if it is a 450 meter Strike Cruiser or a 600 meter Dreadnought or a 1600 meter Imperial Star Destroyer chasing you.

That is also part of the reason that I like to redefine the Sil away from size and more towards what can be stuffed in the hull. Above sil 5, Sil 6 is frigates, Sil 7 is cruisers and Sil 8 is Star Destroyers. There is a large variance in each Sil, but it still is a good shorthand for the capabilities of any individual Silhouette

4 minutes ago, korjik said:

The size differences are alot less important when you get above Sil 5. It hardly matters if it is a 450 meter Strike Cruiser or a 600 meter Dreadnought or a 1600 meter Imperial Star Destroyer chasing you.

That is also part of the reason that I like to redefine the Sil away from size and more towards what can be stuffed in the hull. Above sil 5, Sil 6 is frigates, Sil 7 is cruisers and Sil 8 is Star Destroyers. There is a large variance in each Sil, but it still is a good shorthand for the capabilities of any individual Silhouette

The same could be said of any silhouette. Silhouette 5 simply covers "medium sized" transports, and smaller "corvettes", as opposed to the big cruisers and battleships.

5 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

The same could be said of any silhouette. Silhouette 5 simply covers "medium sized" transports, and smaller "corvettes", as opposed to the big cruisers and battleships.

Yes, but that difference is less important for the larger silhouettes. In general, it hardly matters what the large sil ship is. A Nebulon-B may be too small to fight an ISD, but it should be more than enough to scare a group of players.

On the other hand, the size and capability differential between the small end of Sil 5 and the large end is quite a big jump. A Wayfarer is a whole different kettle of fish than a Marauder. Its quite a bit different than an Action VI for that matter.

Bigger ships have more variance in size, but that size variance is more a background setting for Frigates and Cruisers than the size differential between a small sil 5 and a big one.

10 hours ago, ExpandingUniverse said:

Somewhere off tinternet I downloaded the deck plans for a YT-1300. it's the one with 4 configurations on one sheet of A4:


After we all decided, it was a case of cutting stuff out and gluing/sketching in all the jigsaw pieces on a 'base' deck plan. We compromised, took the courier deck plan and came up with a 'freightier', as we WANTED the same cockpit place as the Falcon (Have you heard of the Millennium Falcon?) which gave us space for both fee paying passengers and more areas for shifting freight, ripping out one section of bunks for freight - therefore opening up more possibilities for 'adventure' - without digging it out I think we took the top left deck plan and glued on/sketched in 2 sections of bunks on the same side as the cockpit.. Or we used the Passenger plan and ripped out the lower left bunks for freight space. It's been a while, we're onto D&D 5e at the mo.

since you said you didn't know where on the internet you found it i decided to look it up and the source is here:

(removed the link due to the inapropriate content on the artist's page)

the commentary by the creator of the design is very interesting, i think that the source of the central cockpit design as stock by them is due to the number of people who have made their own custom yt-1300's by adapting the center cockpit from the yt-1930.

i quite prefer the center cockpit myself, and it's one of the things i'm going to suggest to my players that they adapt as a narrative customization.

I think i'm going to make a few suggestions to them based on everything stated here, but ultimately it will be up to them on how they employ things.

I will encourage them to go with the courier model with one of the bunk areas converted instead to a medical bay as the the owner of the ship is the group medic and they have established that there is a bacta tank on the ship through play.

Eventually in the future however i will try to encourage them to move this to the recreation by giving them a way to create a sub level recreation veranda on the under part of the ship.

i plan to also have them find the wreck of a yt-1930 in the hopes that they will decide to salvage the cargo pontoons for extra storage.

i'll also make it clear to them that they can purchase the hardpoint upgrade for a jerry rigged shuttle dock, converting the large forward cargo space into one that can be lowered in when landed to allow for the deployment of a total of silhouette 4 land speeder vehicles.

they are starting the under a black sun mission now, and if they decide to keep the star fighter that they find after killing their target at the end i will give them the option of attaching it to the top of the ship just aft of the cockpit and jerry rigging it to act as a secondary cockpit while attached and maintain its fighter capabilities when detached.

and this one is just for fun, attaching an air lock and boosters to the cockpit to make it function as an emergency escape pod

but of course their is no way to know how they will handle the situation lol, they're extremely unpredictable. so far i've only been able to get them to decide on what their rec area looks like and that's because they all listen to the campaign podcast.

Edited by Norr-Saba
13 hours ago, Degenerate Mind said:

It took two maneuvers to get from close range to extreme.


22 minutes ago, Stneu73 said:


Suck it, Interdictors!

3 hours ago, korjik said:

Yes, but that difference is less important for the larger silhouettes. In general, it hardly matters what the large sil ship is. A Nebulon-B may be too small to fight an ISD, but it should be more than enough to scare a group of players.

On the other hand, the size and capability differential between the small end of Sil 5 and the large end is quite a big jump. A Wayfarer is a whole different kettle of fish than a Marauder. Its quite a bit different than an Action VI for that matter.

Bigger ships have more variance in size, but that size variance is more a background setting for Frigates and Cruisers than the size differential between a small sil 5 and a big one.

I disagree. The effects of size differential is no more or less extreme within any silhouette. Each size category has a relatively broad range of sizes, with the upper range typically pushing more than double the lower range in each dimension. This is true among all silhouettes. And the effects, particularly game effects remain the same within each silhouette category. So, no, I don't feel that the size differences between a small silhouette 5 and a large one are any greater or lesser than the size differences between the largest and smallest example of any silhouette.

Our group uses a YT-2000, my character is the owner/pilot. We've modified it with the advanced targeting array, reinforced shield generator (boosting front and rear), high output ion turbine, and upgraded hyperdrive. She's wondrously fast and devilishly slippery; we've been able to outfly, outrun, and elude every pursuer to date (and have shot down a few bogies when necessary). We also greatly improved our medical bay with a full bacta tank setup and a medical droid we adopted on our travels.

And for the last time, the ship is NOT haunted! It's perfectly normal to hear odd noises now and then on board a ship, or smell strange odors, or occasionally think you see someone standing in the shadows nearby.

Edited by Direach

The PCs in my EotE game have a YT-1930, though it’s actually a variant. No official stats, and I have a cool map from 0-hr’s Future Armada line, for the Venture, so it is officially a prototype variant they found.

The PCs have tweaked the hyperdrive engines so she does 0.5 past lightspeed, added cloaked smuggling compartments, a pseudo-cloaking device, a secondary transponder, a surface defense blaster cannon, security measures, a gunnery droid brain, an autopilot droid brain, and encrypted computers. Thanks to the PC with the modder spec, they have two hard points left.

Oh, they also have a homebrewed attachment that increases the life support capacity, but it’s not currently installed. (They wanted to transport a bunch of freed slaves across the galaxy once, and had money to throw at the problem.)

I have heard that they might replace one or both of the medium laser turrets, possibly with quad lasers. There has also been talk about increasing sensor range, because it’s easier to sneak around someone if you can see them first.