How have you customized your yt-1300

By Norr-Saba, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Tried to look up to see if there was another another topic that discussed this, but having not been successful i thought i'd try my luck in a new post.

My crew still uses their starting vessel yt-1300, but they've never gotten around to describing what it actually looks like. trying to improve the narrative feel of the ship i'm trying to encourage them to describe their ship and how they've customized it.

Given that the wiki describes the yt-1300's popularity being a result of its possibility for infinite customization, and the player whose character was the owner of the ship describing it as having 5 previous owners, i thought this would be an excellent opportunity to improve the narrative feel by having them determine how the ship is different from the stock model.

with that in mind i was hoping i could find out from the members of the forum how they have customised their own yt-1300 ships so i could pass those recommendations on to my players.

My character doesn't have anYT-1300, though he does have a CEC ship. It's a YZ-900. My mods were adding droid brains to allow me to operate the ship entirely on my own, as well as adding a workshop, library, and dojo, turning the ship into a mobile Jedi training facility.

I took note of the core rulebook saying any ship of 120,000 credits or less and compiled a list of various ships including all their stats. When it came time for the players to earn their ship in the initial campaign, I let whomever was going to pilot the ship make the choice. 2 Loronar E-9 Explorer Scouts, 1 Wayfarer-Class Medium Transport & 1 GHTROC-720. Nobody wanted a YT-1300, which I was happy to see. The Millennium Falcon is cool and all but there's a lot of ships out there. There was also a HWK-1000 but that was a group that didn't start with the initial campaign once I moved past scripted adventures.

Edited by GroggyGolem

My group used their Duty rank for a yt-1300. So i gave them a ship we used in a different game. The Chick Magnet.

Yt-1300 with the boarding tube, it come out between the front prongs. To help using the tube I said the prongs have a super magnets on the front. I have the front prongs painted red on their ship to look like a magnet.

Not the most serious ship, vut it entertained my group again.

18 hours ago, GroggyGolem said:

The Millennium Falcon is cool and all but there's a lot of ships out there.

This. No disrespect to how anyone is playing their game but yeah, no YT-1300 for me either, not with so many glorious choices available to me.

1 hour ago, Bojanglez said:

This. No disrespect to how anyone is playing their game but yeah, no YT-1300 for me either, not with so many glorious choices available to me.

It seems like a lot of people have not used this vehicle and are actually opposed to it due to it being in the canon, that’s fine but it’s not helping me loads,

so how about let’s scrap the focus on the yt-1300 altogether and everyone share how they have customized their ships that they use

19 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

My character doesn't have anYT-1300, though he does have a CEC ship. It's a YZ-900. My mods were adding droid brains to allow me to operate the ship entirely on my own, as well as adding a workshop, library, and dojo, turning the ship into a mobile Jedi training facility.

This is a great example of some of what I’d like to see, I love the concepts you put forth here and I’d love to hear more from others who have done things like this.

2 minutes ago, Norr-Saba said:

It seems like a lot of people have not used this vehicle and are actually opposed to it due to it being in the canon, that’s fine but it’s not helping me loads,

so how about let’s scrap the focus on the yt-1300 altogether and everyone share how they have customized their ships that they use

This is a great example of some of what I’d like to see, I love the concepts you put forth here and I’d love to hear more from others who have done things like this.

If you're interested, here's the Jedi Star

15 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

If you're interested, here's the Jedi Star

That’s very cool, I might use this as an npcs ship for my players who are interested in finding aomeonento teach them about the force, how did you create the custom image?

4 minutes ago, Norr-Saba said:

That’s very cool, I might use this as an npcs ship for my players who are interested in finding aomeonento teach them about the force, how did you create the custom image?

I modeled the ship in Hexagon 2.5, and rigged and rendered it in DAZ Studio. The J edi Star is the personal she of my signature character, Korath Lorren , currently being played in this campaign . We could use some new players too .

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Here's a thread that has kind of what you're looking for. There's a few YT-1300's if I remember right but a lot of other ships too.

1 hour ago, Stneu73 said:

Here's a thread that has kind of what you're looking for. There's a few YT-1300's if I remember right but a lot of other ships too.

thanks that was an interesting thread

so on the note of making customizations, my crew has voiced a desire to have a starfighter as a supplement for when they enter a space battle after having been in a few. i know that the core book says that a starfighter can be clamped to a freighter, but what does this mean, and what is the difference between silhouette sizes, since most starfighters are silhouette 3 and their freighter is 4 i'm having trouble figuring out how big of a difference that would be.

An X-Wing, at 12 meters long is Silhouette 3. The YT-1300 is a little over 34 meters is Silhouette 4. The YZ-900, at 54.3 meters is Silhouette 5.

That is the very small end of Sil 5 tho. A Marauder Corvette is 200m long and a Lancer is 250m and both are sil 5 if I am remembering right.

Our group is using a Gthroc-720. We haven't really modified it that much because we're perpetually poor and one step ahead of the ISB and inquisition. But we have a few mods for it, first one being an astrogation droid brain that we scrounged from a astromech and then some added armour plates. Granted that extra armour makes our ship about as nimble as a pregnant hippo who has donned a set of plate armour. But we laugh at lesser ships and sometimes just ram them rather than shoot, which could be because we tend to lose our cannon as well.

1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

An X-Wing, at 12 meters long is Silhouette 3. The YT-1300 is a little over 34 meters is Silhouette 4. The YZ-900, at 54.3 meters is Silhouette 5.

1 hour ago, korjik said:

That is the very small end of Sil 5 tho. A Marauder Corvette is 200m long and a Lancer is 250m and both are sil 5 if I am remembering right.

wow that really puts it into perspective, it seems like it's an order of magnitude for each increase, but i suppose that necessary when you want to use the same scale to describe a speeder bike and the death star.

Personally, I think there is a little too much in Sil 5. If the YZ series are sil 5 then a Marauder should be sil 6 or if a Marauder is sil 5 then the YZs should be sil 4.

My preferred definitions would be that Sil 3 is fighters, Sil 4 is bigger than a fighter but too small for a turbolaser, Sil 5 is big enough for a turbolaser but too small for a squadron of fighters, and sil 6 is big enough for pretty much anything.

1 hour ago, Norr-Saba said:

wow that really puts it into perspective, it seems like it's an order of magnitude for each increase, but i suppose that necessary when you want to use the same scale to describe a speeder bike and the death star.

The Ghost ship series is sil 5 is 43 meters and is a bit beefier than a YT1300 but it shows that the yt1300 is at the larger end of sil 4, its an exponential scale though.

3 hours ago, Norr-Saba said:

wow that really puts it into perspective, it seems like it's an order of magnitude for each increase, but i suppose that necessary when you want to use the same scale to describe a speeder bike and the death star.

1 hour ago, syrath said:

The Ghost ship series is sil 5 is 43 meters and is a bit beefier than a YT1300 but it shows that the yt1300 is at the larger end of sil 4, its an exponential scale though.

@syrath pretty much nailed it. To note, the Ghost , a VCX-100, is a triple decked ship, which adds a lot to its silhouette, hence being Silhouette 5.


I'm actually going to ANSWER the OP with the answer.

I participated with a group that DID start with a YT-1300.

We converted one of the two airlocks to a fighter clamp. The ship came with a top side fighter locking clamp, which we didn't use often (as the ship it was customized for was blown up by our group during the mutiny where this ship came into our possession). But I had plans.

The ship also came with a narrative scale heavy repeating blaster rifle, mounted in a manner similar to ESB. We also had a Proton Torpedo launcher mounted forward.

Lastly, the ship had a smuggler compartment with life support (previously used to smuggle slaves, and eventually used to detain a couple of our bounties).

We swapped out the Medium Lasers in the turrets with Quad Lasers.

We also upgraded to Enhanced Carbon-Durasteel Armor, and installed and upgraded (max) the Reinforced Shield Generator.

That group refused to upgrade the Hyperdrive so we were flying about the 'verse with a Class 2 drive. We also picked up an additional hard point by ditching the backup hyperdrive.

Not to taint the narrative, but we had an awesome mechanic on board so we really didn't need a backup.

The group eventually ditched that ship because it was "too hot" so we went and stole another ship . . .

Purely Story, but my Lunged Gand Player installed a "Atmospheric Processor Unit" in their personal cabin quarters to create an Ammonia environment so they can take off their mask.

I was once the captain of the Gallant Gambit, a HWK-1000 that had every stealth mod in the game installed. On the rare occasion someone actually saw us trying to run a blockade or steal something, there was literally nothing they could do, as the pilot could crank us up to speed 8 for four rounds when we needed to get away quickly - improved ion engines + supreme full throttle.

It took two maneuvers to get from close range to extreme.


7 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

@syrath pretty much nailed it. To note, the Ghost , a VCX-100, is a triple decked ship, which adds a lot to its silhouette, hence being Silhouette 5.

That’s interesting, I was toying with the option of giving them the ability to ad a half deck to their ship, not a full second deck but close enough. It’s only benefit would be to give them more space do you think this would be enough to push them into sil 5 or would it still be in the realm of 4?

1 hour ago, Mark Caliber said:


I'm actually going to ANSWER the OP with the answer.

I participated with a group that DID start with a YT-1300.

We converted one of the two airlocks to a fighter clamp. The ship came with a top side fighter locking clamp, which we didn't use often (as the ship it was customized for was blown up by our group during the mutiny where this ship came into our possession). But I had plans.

The ship also came with a narrative scale heavy repeating blaster rifle, mounted in a manner similar to ESB. We also had a Proton Torpedo launcher mounted forward.

Lastly, the ship had a smuggler compartment with life support (previously used to smuggle slaves, and eventually used to detain a couple of our bounties).

We swapped out the Medium Lasers in the turrets with Quad Lasers.

We also upgraded to Enhanced Carbon-Durasteel Armor, and installed and upgraded (max) the Reinforced Shield Generator.

That group refused to upgrade the Hyperdrive so we were flying about the 'verse with a Class 2 drive. We also picked up an additional hard point by ditching the backup hyperdrive.

Not to taint the narrative, but we had an awesome mechanic on board so we really didn't need a backup.

The group eventually ditched that ship because it was "too hot" so we went and stole another ship . . .

This is very cool, and yes I’ve made it clear to my players that the more noticibky they change the exterior the more difficult it will be for them to avoid detection so the getting too hot makes a lot of sense.

1 hour ago, ThreeAM said:

Purely Story, but my Lunged Gand Player installed a "Atmospheric Processor Unit" in their personal cabin quarters to create an Ammonia environment so they can take off their mask.

I love purely narative changes, in fact it’s wxactly what I’m trying to get my crew to do and this is a perfect example thankyou.

43 minutes ago, Degenerate Mind said:

I was once the captain of the Gallant Gambit, a HWK-1000 that had every stealth mod in the game installed. On the rare occasion someone actually saw us trying to run a blockade or steal something, there was literally nothing they could do, as the pilot could crank us up to speed 8 for four rounds when we needed to get away quickly - improved ion engines + supreme full throttle.

It took two maneuvers to get from close range to extreme.

Love this, the narative value is so good here

10 hours ago, korjik said:

Personally, I think there is a little too much in Sil 5. If the YZ series are sil 5 then a Marauder should be sil 6 or if a Marauder is sil 5 then the YZs should be sil 4.

My preferred definitions would be that Sil 3 is fighters, Sil 4 is bigger than a fighter but too small for a turbolaser, Sil 5 is big enough for a turbolaser but too small for a squadron of fighters, and sil 6 is big enough for pretty much anything.

I like this, I’m going to use these distinctions I think