I read that at the most recent Arkham Nights they handed out copies of prior promos and was wondering if anyone might be able to do some updated scans (particularly for Hastur and Ubbo-Sathla) since their current images on BGG are a little bit glossy (no offense to whoever uploaded them in prior years ofc). I'm looking to print out my own and would be much obliged to anyone that might have cleaner images for them
Can anyone do new scans of promotional Ancient Ones?
No offense taken But yeah, it'd not be bad if we could have something better upped on the Geek
I have copies of all of the previous Arkham nights promos. I will try to upload soon. So a side question were the Old One and the two promo characters exclusive or will they be in the upcoming expansion?
The promo characters are alternate versions of investigators, and these versions won't be coming with Omens of the Pharaoh; same for all the Ancient Ones: they were created for Arkham Nights. No AOs released in the past for any of their games was included, in that version, in any product going to retail