1 hour ago, Tebbo said:And wife wants to watch the PA guys play D&D
Oh man, they're having another Acq Inc session there? Hot diggity.
1 hour ago, Tebbo said:And wife wants to watch the PA guys play D&D
Oh man, they're having another Acq Inc session there? Hot diggity.
The general rule of Thumb is that people who come to, read and participate in forum discussions tend to take the game more seriously and as such are more likely to participate in tournaments and generally play more competatively. Still the forum community is always the overwhelming minority of the game community, somewhere in the less than 1%, which is why the popularity of a game vs. Opinion on forums often differs so much. Take for example boardgamegeek.com ratings of games. Games like pandemic or through the Ages are overwhelmingly highly rated yet the reality is that if all board gamers actually rated games, games like RISK, Stratego, chess and monopoly would be top 10 games. You ask a thousand board gamers if they like through the ages, 99% wouldnt even know what your talking about. Same is the case with L5R, the overwhelming majority will nerver play in a tournament, i would be Suprised if the percentage was above 1%. A typically event of a highly succesful game like X-Wing might have 50-70 people, which is really a massive event, while the game has sold in the millions of miniatyrer representanting hundreds of thousands of gamers. Card games like L5R event tend to be quite a bit smaller, a typically large event will producera 8-16 people if its centrally located in a major city or like a Gencon type situation.