Has anyone worked out stats for a primaris marine in deathwatch? I was thinking that death watch would be perfect to field test primaries marines for a century or two before mass deployment. I mean I'm sure the new boys weren't sent out without a lot of testing and while units of primaris marines were surely sent out on is olated missions as field tests they had to integrate with regular marines too. Deathwatch duty would be perfect to do this. A primaris marine is delivered to deathwatch by an inquisitor as a blackshield with orders not to ask of his past. He serves with various marines against various enemies in very unusual conditions and on demanding missions..... Can you honestly think of a better filed test for the primaris marines and their equipment?
I'd bet the primaris were tested for a long time before they were released in dark imperium. Deathwatch duty would be a logical choice for this. So I could see a primaris marine in deathwatch as a mysterious blackshield who comes vetted by the inquisition.
Any ideas on stats?