Primaris deathwatch?

By Techpriest support, in Deathwatch House Rules

Has anyone worked out stats for a primaris marine in deathwatch? I was thinking that death watch would be perfect to field test primaries marines for a century or two before mass deployment. I mean I'm sure the new boys weren't sent out without a lot of testing and while units of primaris marines were surely sent out on is olated missions as field tests they had to integrate with regular marines too. Deathwatch duty would be perfect to do this. A primaris marine is delivered to deathwatch by an inquisitor as a blackshield with orders not to ask of his past. He serves with various marines against various enemies in very unusual conditions and on demanding missions..... Can you honestly think of a better filed test for the primaris marines and their equipment?

I'd bet the primaris were tested for a long time before they were released in dark imperium. Deathwatch duty would be a logical choice for this. So I could see a primaris marine in deathwatch as a mysterious blackshield who comes vetted by the inquisition.

Any ideas on stats?

Not seen anything but I know of a new 40k RPG coming out called Wrath and Glory in the not too distant future that is set in the Dark Imperium and will no doubt contain Primaris marines

Since I GM Deathwatch on the regular I've been considering adding Primaris to my campaign and I've been looking at both tabletop and the RPG rules to see what I can do to implement such characters and this is what I've come up with.

the idea is that I want the Primaris to stand out but there needs to be some key advantages/dissadvantages to set them asside to normal Space Marines so I've been considering the following:

(all stat increases are prior to chapter bonuses)

+5 Str (this is purely in just because of one of the new organs Primaris get. honestly given there are no STR changes on the table top I've only recently thought about adding this ONLY because of the organ. the bonus should be enough to make a difference but nothing substantial since normal SM seem to still be on par strength wise)

+5 - 10 Toughness (will be explained more in a sec)

wounds 1d5 + 24 (instead of +19. this is chosen along with the toughness bonus to represent the bigger stature, new organs and that the armor is a little different compared to normal marines giving up to 5 - 10 more wounds than a normal marine off the bat. I chose this to represent the additional wound on the tabletop since all primaris have 2 wounds instead of 1)

No black carapace: in essence yes they still have it however the bonus it gives rule wise I've decided to not give it too them given they are still a good foot or two bigger than normal marines. they may still be quick and all but its still overall a larger target, therefore they take all the disadvantages of being Hulking size

Free Talent: Rival, all imperial bodies except Primaris.

I chose that given that Primaris seem to have a bit of a bad reputation in the imperium. and as such suffer fellowship penalties when dealing with anything other than other primaris.

minor custom talent: Quick attack (name pending) this allows the primaris to use both standard actions to make a melee attack instead of one (its kinda like a bad swift attack. can elaborate more if wanted... this does NOT change what swift attack does. it simply allows them to use both standard actions to make single attacks since you normally cant do that.)

custom talent: can only use Primaris equipment. (since Primaris do not use "normal" wargear I decided that they should be limited to their own wargear choices kinda like how Terminator armor has limited wargear choices. )

Weapons: for the most part I looked at the difference between normal and the "primaris" variants for Bolters and plasma. Generally speaking all Primaris variants have slightly better range and better armor pen so generally speaking I've given primaris weapons better range and a slight increase to pen to represent that.

EG: Bolt Rifle stats are the same as a normal bolt gun but with these differences: 150m range instead of 100. pen 6 instead of 5. outside of that. same stats. also bolt rifles/carbines can equip box mags increasing ammo count to 64

plasma: 150m instead of 100, ap 9.

now they do have like "assault" and "heavy" versions of most weapons as well. generally what I've decided to do their is along with these changes I may have given the weapon different talents.

Assault Bolter: Storm bolter rules (minus storm quality) stat change like the bolt rifle except 2d10+6 (instead of +5) and it counts as having a combat shield equipped.

Boltstorm gauntlets: this one was a little difficult but what I ended up deciding on is that it is essentially an arm mounted storm bolter with the following changes: 40m range. + twin linked without the ammo cost. melee wise, counts as a power fist.

Bolt Carbine: wasn't too sure on what to do here, I thought of adding the twin linked rule without doubling ammo to represent the "ease of use" in Close Quarter engagements. same stats as your normal bolter.

flamer variants are the same as a normal flamer stat wise.

Stalker Bolt Rifle: 250m range, pen 7 clip 12. outside of that same stats as a normal stalker.

heavy bolt pistol: like a regular bolt pistol but pen 6. and clip 8

Frag +Krak nades.

Combat Knife: given apparently a combat knife gives an extra attack on the tabletop I thought it might be worth giving this combat knife the "swift attack" talent. given its still only a combat knife its good but not great.

power sword


^ power and chain are just like normal versions. no difference there

Shock nades: didn't really look into it but I thought it works like a stun nade but with the Shock quality added onto it.

all bolters (within reason) can use any attachments/ammo that normal bolters can use

i know this isnt all the weapons but you get the idea.

Armor: this one has had me a little but I think I like what I've come up with.

Mark X: this is the "standard" armor for Primaris. it works just like normal mk7 armor however, all arm and leg hits have the Mk 8 rules when it comes to hit location with a chance of it counting as a body hit instead for AP values. I decided on this due to the "refinement" of the armor design and its supposed 'increased protection' however on the tabletop there is no actual change to its protection so to put it into Deathwatch with a slight edge I thought something like this seemed fitting.

Agressor variant: allows the fitting for Boltstorm/incinerator/firestom guntlets on both arms. as well as the addition of the fragstorm launcher.

Fragstorm works just like Cyclone missile launcher except with a fire rate of S/2/6

no penalties firing and moving (auto stabilized like terminator armor)

wearing Agressor armor gives +10 toughness

- 10 to all agility and doge based tests (but can still doge unlike terminator armor)

-1 movement penalty (basically removes the bonus speed from being hulking)

can double RoF if stationary when firing. (honestly think this is a little much but then again primaris dont have a "heavy bolter" of sorts so I thought this would work)

also Mk 8 rules apply to all body locations. given they have a gorgot as well as its still mk X armor.

Interceptor armor variant:

most rules are like the aggressor. so...

no penalties firing and moving (auto stabilized like terminator armor)

armor gives +10 toughness

- 10 to all agility and doge based tests (but can still doge unlike terminator armor)

-1 movement penalty (basically removes the bonus speed from being hulking)

Mk 8 rules apply to all body locations. given they have a gorgot as well as its still mk X armor.

head also has AP10 instead of 8 since it can deploy a face shield

can equip Assault bolters/assault variants (plasma)

inbuilt jump pack (was thinking of tweaking this but I haven't gotten around to it)

can fire while disengaging from melee

Reaver Armor:

Black carapace rules DO apply with this variant. I decided to go with it since this armor design is about close range/melee and given it is a "covert" variant I felt it prudent to allow the Black Carapace rules given its more "sleek" design.

it also comes with:

Grave Chutes, Astarties Harness, Chrono and a Grapner.

it also gives Fear 1 on charge which stacks with any other fear ratings the SM may already have. there are also no penalties when it comes to stealth based tests that normal SM power armor gives.

Gravis Armor:

Similar to aggressor. so...

no penalties firing and moving (auto stabilized like terminator armor)

armor gives +10 toughness

- 10 to all agility and doge based tests (but can still doge unlike terminator armor)

-1 movement penalty (basically removes the bonus speed from being hulking)

Mk 8 rules apply to all body locations. given they have a gorgot as well as its still mk X armor.

allows the fitting for Boltstorm/incinerator/firestom guntlets on one or both arms.

inbuilt Iron Halo

at the end of the day this is me looking at Primaris and seeing how I could possibly put them into Deathwatch RPG. this is literally my first iteration. I don't play Primaris on the tabletop (got friends that do, thats where most of my information comes from along with online sources)

but yeah. if you like it. feel free to use it or give suggestions =D

Edited by Yefrign

Would you allow the primaris to have an armor history?