Extra Dice

By ceasetrace, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

When was the last time there was Extra set of dice in stock. It seems that they are always out of stock.

Is there a better place to buy the original 12 dice to the game?



They do come back to the online store often. You just need to keep your eyes peeled, or call the customer support. They usually can tell you when they "expect" them back in. Also, you could try and look for dice at hobby/game stores.

My advice, when they do come back in stock...buy 4 sets. You will never need any more dice after that...well, unless you want to play RtL/SoB at some point. Then invest in 3 extra sets of that as well.

I never saw stealth dice myself. I have three sets of the base game dice, and (meanwhile) three of the RtL silver/gold ones, that's plenty I find. But only one stealth die is never enough lengua.gif