SoB Campaign questions from our first day

By Blasto, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


We started a new SoB campaign this Saturday and had a few questions that we couldn't find answers to. We've played RTL twice so we're used to the campaign system.

1) One of the players is using a Promo Hero (well, 3 out of 4 are promo's but only one has a question). One of Truthseer Kel's abilitys is "Obstacles and other figures do not block Line of Sight". At first we just assumed this ment for attacks, but at the end of the days gaming it was talked about how it would also effect Summoning. Now other versions that allow figures to ignore LoS issues is usually limited to one square.
Is her ability just for attacking or also for Summoning?
Is her ability only blocked by walls?
Is her ability more then one square?

2) In RTL the FAQ removes a few of the overlord cards and some of the hero's skills. Some new skills were removed in SoB, but not all of them, I was wondering if this was a typo or missprint. These cards are:

QuickCasting (not allowed in RTL, but not in the list for SoB)
Poltergeist (Overlord card)
Rolling Stone (Overlord card)
Crushing Blow (Limited to 1 in RTL, not listed in SoB)

3) As the Overlord I picked The Count for our first time though and bought BloodSuckers greatly boosting the RazorWings. After the 1st dungeon I found Leech to be almost to strong, so I wanted to make sure we're doing it correctly.

A hero has zero fatigue left, he has 2 armor and gets hit by a RazorWing for 5 damage. 3 damage is done after armor, since he has zero fatigue he takes 3 more damage. Is this correct? If the monster is at full health does leach still happen?

4) Can you swing on a rope diagonaly?

Thank you for your input!

In answer to 2, The advanced campaign boxes are set up independant of each other, so I'd just follow what SoB has and not worry about cards that RtL removes.


We started a new SoB campaign this Saturday and had a few questions that we couldn't find answers to. We've played RTL twice so we're used to the campaign system.

1) One of the players is using a Promo Hero (well, 3 out of 4 are promo's but only one has a question). One of Truthseer Kel's abilitys is "Obstacles and other figures do not block Line of Sight". At first we just assumed this ment for attacks, but at the end of the days gaming it was talked about how it would also effect Summoning. Now other versions that allow figures to ignore LoS issues is usually limited to one square.
Is her ability just for attacking or also for Summoning?
Is her ability only blocked by walls?
Is her ability more then one square?

2) In RTL the FAQ removes a few of the overlord cards and some of the hero's skills. Some new skills were removed in SoB, but not all of them, I was wondering if this was a typo or missprint. These cards are:

QuickCasting (not allowed in RTL, but not in the list for SoB)
Poltergeist (Overlord card)
Rolling Stone (Overlord card)
Crushing Blow (Limited to 1 in RTL, not listed in SoB)

3) Lastly, as the Overlord I picked The Count for our first time though and bought BloodSuckers greatly boosting the RazorWings. After the 1st dungeon I found Leech to be almost to strong, so I wanted to make sure we're doing it correctly.

A hero has zero fatigue left, he has 2 armor and gets hit by a RazorWing for 5 damage. 3 damage is done after armor, since he has zero fatigue he takes 3 more damage. Is this correct? If the monster is at full health does leach still happen?

4) Can you swing on a rope diagonaly?

Thank you for your input!

I have not started SoB yet, so I cannot answer all questions...but the ones I can answer are these.

The Truth seeker Kel's ability is not limited by anything. I would play it as written until an errata comes out stating that her ability only works for attacks, or, you cam just house rule it.

Quick casting is not one of the skills removed in Road to legend, so I do not know which one you are speaking of. However, SoB is an advanced campaign...and the FAQ stated that the following cards were removed in the advanced campaign. It was also written before the choice is yours to remove them or not.

Leach works exactly as you described it.

I do not see why you couldn't swing is still a straight line. However, there is the same argument with again, you make the call.

I do hope an official FAQ is released soon to answer these and many questions.

Blasto said:


We started a new SoB campaign this Saturday and had a few questions that we couldn't find answers to. We've played RTL twice so we're used to the campaign system.

1) One of the players is using a Promo Hero (well, 3 out of 4 are promo's but only one has a question). One of Truthseer Kel's abilitys is "Obstacles and other figures do not block Line of Sight". At first we just assumed this ment for attacks, but at the end of the days gaming it was talked about how it would also effect Summoning. Now other versions that allow figures to ignore LoS issues is usually limited to one square.
Is her ability just for attacking or also for Summoning?
Is her ability only blocked by walls?
Is her ability more then one square?

2) In RTL the FAQ removes a few of the overlord cards and some of the hero's skills. Some new skills were removed in SoB, but not all of them, I was wondering if this was a typo or missprint. These cards are:

QuickCasting (not allowed in RTL, but not in the list for SoB)
Poltergeist (Overlord card)
Rolling Stone (Overlord card)
Crushing Blow (Limited to 1 in RTL, not listed in SoB)

3) Lastly, as the Overlord I picked The Count for our first time though and bought BloodSuckers greatly boosting the RazorWings. After the 1st dungeon I found Leech to be almost to strong, so I wanted to make sure we're doing it correctly.

A hero has zero fatigue left, he has 2 armor and gets hit by a RazorWing for 5 damage. 3 damage is done after armor, since he has zero fatigue he takes 3 more damage. Is this correct? If the monster is at full health does leach still happen?

4) Can you swing on a rope diagonaly?

Thank you for your input!

1) One of the players is using a Promo Hero (well, 3 out of 4 are promo's but only one has a question). One of Truthseer Kel's abilitys is "Obstacles and other figures do not block Line of Sight". At first we just assumed this ment for attacks, but at the end of the days gaming it was talked about how it would also effect Summoning. Now other versions that allow figures to ignore LoS issues is usually limited to one square.

Is her ability just for attacking or also for Summoning?
Is her ability only blocked by walls?
Is her ability more then one square?

Currently the ability affects all aspects of line of sight, not just attacking. It's definitely more than one square. It's only obstacles though, so anything that is a prop but not a figure or obstacle would still work. Good luck getting a definitive list of what counts. Check the "list of obstacles" thread for a contentious list of what all things are labelled obstacles (but might not actually be meant to be obstacles).

2) In RTL the FAQ removes a few of the overlord cards and some of the hero's skills. Some new skills were removed in SoB, but not all of them, I was wondering if this was a typo or missprint. These cards are:

QuickCasting (not allowed in RTL, but not in the list for SoB)
Poltergeist (Overlord card)
Rolling Stone (Overlord card)
Crushing Blow (Limited to 1 in RTL, not listed in SoB)

The RTL FAQ currently has no effect on Sea of Blood, though some will say that any entries which refer to "the advanced campaign" would affect both. With any luck there's a SoB FAQ on its way.

3) Lastly, as the Overlord I picked The Count for our first time though and bought BloodSuckers greatly boosting the RazorWings. After the 1st dungeon I found Leech to be almost to strong, so I wanted to make sure we're doing it correctly.

A hero has zero fatigue left, he has 2 armor and gets hit by a RazorWing for 5 damage. 3 damage is done after armor, since he has zero fatigue he takes 3 more damage. Is this correct? If the monster is at full health does leach still happen?

This is correct. If the monster is at full health, the extra damage is still dealt.

4) Can you swing on a rope diagonaly?

Sorry, your last question said "lastly," so I won't answer this one. ;) No, you cannot swing diagonally on a rope.

James McMurray said:

Blasto said:


We started a new SoB campaign this Saturday and had a few questions that we couldn't find answers to. We've played RTL twice so we're used to the campaign system.

1) One of the players is using a Promo Hero (well, 3 out of 4 are promo's but only one has a question). One of Truthseer Kel's abilitys is "Obstacles and other figures do not block Line of Sight". At first we just assumed this ment for attacks, but at the end of the days gaming it was talked about how it would also effect Summoning. Now other versions that allow figures to ignore LoS issues is usually limited to one square.
Is her ability just for attacking or also for Summoning?
Is her ability only blocked by walls?
Is her ability more then one square?

2) In RTL the FAQ removes a few of the overlord cards and some of the hero's skills. Some new skills were removed in SoB, but not all of them, I was wondering if this was a typo or missprint. These cards are:

QuickCasting (not allowed in RTL, but not in the list for SoB)
Poltergeist (Overlord card)
Rolling Stone (Overlord card)
Crushing Blow (Limited to 1 in RTL, not listed in SoB)

3) Lastly, as the Overlord I picked The Count for our first time though and bought BloodSuckers greatly boosting the RazorWings. After the 1st dungeon I found Leech to be almost to strong, so I wanted to make sure we're doing it correctly.

A hero has zero fatigue left, he has 2 armor and gets hit by a RazorWing for 5 damage. 3 damage is done after armor, since he has zero fatigue he takes 3 more damage. Is this correct? If the monster is at full health does leach still happen?

4) Can you swing on a rope diagonaly?

Thank you for your input!

1) One of the players is using a Promo Hero (well, 3 out of 4 are promo's but only one has a question). One of Truthseer Kel's abilitys is "Obstacles and other figures do not block Line of Sight". At first we just assumed this ment for attacks, but at the end of the days gaming it was talked about how it would also effect Summoning. Now other versions that allow figures to ignore LoS issues is usually limited to one square.

Is her ability just for attacking or also for Summoning?
Is her ability only blocked by walls?
Is her ability more then one square?

Currently the ability affects all aspects of line of sight, not just attacking. It's definitely more than one square. It's only obstacles though, so anything that is a prop but not a figure or obstacle would still work. Good luck getting a definitive list of what counts. Check the "list of obstacles" thread for a contentious list of what all things are labelled obstacles (but might not actually be meant to be obstacles).

2) In RTL the FAQ removes a few of the overlord cards and some of the hero's skills. Some new skills were removed in SoB, but not all of them, I was wondering if this was a typo or missprint. These cards are:

QuickCasting (not allowed in RTL, but not in the list for SoB)
Poltergeist (Overlord card)
Rolling Stone (Overlord card)
Crushing Blow (Limited to 1 in RTL, not listed in SoB)

The RTL FAQ currently has no effect on Sea of Blood, though some will say that any entries which refer to "the advanced campaign" would affect both. With any luck there's a SoB FAQ on its way.

3) Lastly, as the Overlord I picked The Count for our first time though and bought BloodSuckers greatly boosting the RazorWings. After the 1st dungeon I found Leech to be almost to strong, so I wanted to make sure we're doing it correctly.

A hero has zero fatigue left, he has 2 armor and gets hit by a RazorWing for 5 damage. 3 damage is done after armor, since he has zero fatigue he takes 3 more damage. Is this correct? If the monster is at full health does leach still happen?

This is correct. If the monster is at full health, the extra damage is still dealt.

4) Can you swing on a rope diagonaly?

Sorry, your last question said "lastly," so I won't answer this one. ;) No, you cannot swing diagonally on a rope.


Thanks I fixed teh lastly part, I rememberd that question at the end.

Is there something in the rules that prevents you from swinging diagonally on a rope?

Kartigan said:

Is there something in the rules that prevents you from swinging diagonally on a rope?

In the rules it says "directly out" from the ship. Swinging diagonally doesn't qualify as directly out AFAIK.

*too short nonsense-post removed*

*too short nonsense-post removed*

Blasto said:

QuickCasting (not allowed in RTL, but not in the list for SoB)

When did Quick Casting get FAQ'd?! According to the latest I have, it's still allowed in RtL.

James McMurray said:

2) In RTL the FAQ removes a few of the overlord cards and some of the hero's skills. Some new skills were removed in SoB, but not all of them, I was wondering if this was a typo or missprint. These cards are:

QuickCasting (not allowed in RTL, but not in the list for SoB)
Poltergeist (Overlord card)
Rolling Stone (Overlord card)
Crushing Blow (Limited to 1 in RTL, not listed in SoB)

The RTL FAQ currently has no effect on Sea of Blood, though some will say that any entries which refer to "the advanced campaign" would affect both. With any luck there's a SoB FAQ on its way.

I totally disagree with the statement that the RtL FAQ answers have no effect on SoB. There are several answers that are very obviously generic enough to fit either "advanced campaign". Sure there are several RtL specific questions, but to completely disregard the FAQ is not wise.

As for Poltergeist, Rolling Stone and the second Crushing Blow, an argument could be made for either view. I tend to side with leaving them out of SoB as the main reason for them being removed is still there. (i.e. The first two can be very overpowering in small dungeons and two CBs is rough on the heroes.) But, until a FAQ comes out, everyone needs to decide for themselves.

RhunDraco said:

Blasto said:

QuickCasting (not allowed in RTL, but not in the list for SoB)

When did Quick Casting get FAQ'd?! According to the latest I have, it's still allowed in RtL.

Whoever claimed this is mistaken. Quick Casting was never removed from RtL. The only cards that are removed from RtL for skills are Telekinesis and Bear Tattoo.

Big Remy said:

RhunDraco said:

When did Quick Casting get FAQ'd?! According to the latest I have, it's still allowed in RtL.

Whoever claimed this is mistaken. Quick Casting was never removed from RtL. The only cards that are removed from RtL for skills are Telekinesis and Bear Tattoo.

Indeed. The OP was apparently misremembering.

I also got SoB recently. My question: what do you guys do in islands? Do you swim to the coast? do you get closer with the ship? What if the REVENGE is sunk???

dragontamer said:

I also got SoB recently. My question: what do you guys do in islands? Do you swim to the coast? do you get closer with the ship? What if the REVENGE is sunk???

I'm the OL in our campaign so my hero currently tend to swing out from the ship as a far as they can hoping to get past deep water. I tend to set up my monsters outside reliable cannon range so it forces them to come to me. If they can swing into the shallow water they then tend to either declare a Run action or burn lots of fatigue to get onto land as fast as possible.

They never explicitly say what happens to the Revenge if its sunk on a island level, probably cause the playtesters/designers didn't think of the fact that the OL could spawn on the ship and either have the ship flee or sink it to screw the heroes over. You could go that its a TPK and they are ejected, like in encounters but since the rulebook says Island levels are treated just like dungeons I don't know if that holds up.

I've gone with the houserule that if the OL destroys or moves the ship off the map the level continues because the heroes haven't fleed. Now, since doing that removes the initial active glyph if I manage to do a TPK before they flip the inactive glyph on the island then there are ejected from the dungeon and can't return.

edroz said:

James McMurray said:

2) In RTL the FAQ removes a few of the overlord cards and some of the hero's skills. Some new skills were removed in SoB, but not all of them, I was wondering if this was a typo or missprint. These cards are:

QuickCasting (not allowed in RTL, but not in the list for SoB)
Poltergeist (Overlord card)
Rolling Stone (Overlord card)
Crushing Blow (Limited to 1 in RTL, not listed in SoB)

The RTL FAQ currently has no effect on Sea of Blood, though some will say that any entries which refer to "the advanced campaign" would affect both. With any luck there's a SoB FAQ on its way.

I totally disagree with the statement that the RtL FAQ answers have no effect on SoB. There are several answers that are very obviously generic enough to fit either "advanced campaign". Sure there are several RtL specific questions, but to completely disregard the FAQ is not wise.

As for Poltergeist, Rolling Stone and the second Crushing Blow, an argument could be made for either view. I tend to side with leaving them out of SoB as the main reason for them being removed is still there. (i.e. The first two can be very overpowering in small dungeons and two CBs is rough on the heroes.) But, until a FAQ comes out, everyone needs to decide for themselves.

With the new FAQ, Poltergeist and Rolling Stone are still not available to SoB. And yes, "Advanced Campaign" covers both RtL and SoB.

Q: For advanced campaigns, in the FAQ, Rolling Stone and Poltergeist were removed, while Crushing Blow was restricted. This gets no mention in the rule book for Sea of Blood, while many other changes from the FAQ made it into the same rule book. Are these treachery cards still removed from the SoB advanced campaign? Do all FAQ rulings that refer to the "advanced campaign" apply to Sea of Blood as well as Road to Legend?
A: Yes.

Also, in reference to a couple of posts back, monsters may not spawn on The Revenge anymore: the new FAQ also states this.

On the island levels (though I think in encounters they only spawn in the hold of their own ship, so that's a moot point ;)
